♡ | you're back!!

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As soon as Jungkook left the boys became more of a handful. Taehyung found himself trying to balance work and looking after the two boys who just wouldn’t behave. This was usually Jungtae, the child who was had learned a few words, would provoke Taeguk by taking his toys and scribbling on the colouring sheets. Of course Taeguk didn’t come to Taehyung instead he decided to get revenge which just ended up in more fights.

Now Taehyung was struggling but when Jungtae started crying at two in the morning something was definitely wrong.

“Jungtae what now??” Taehyung said with a heavy sigh.

After picking the child up and hearing a very loud cough Taehyung realised that Jungtae was not feeling well. So that night Taehyung got almost no sleep.

"Oh I was going to wake you up. Let's go make dinosaur pancakes!" Taeguk shouted with excitement.

"Bub I can't make pancakes how about something else?" Taehyung suggested while he tried to get Jungtae's milk ready but the baby was still not very well.

"Okay! Is appa coming back today?" Taeguk asked while helping Taehyung butter some bread but failing terribly.

"Yea but I can't take Jungtae so you can go get appa with Yoongi okay?"

Taeguk nodded, not seeing the issue in that.


Taehyung struggled with getting Jungtae to take medicine or to change. The little boy kept shouting no and crying and kicking. 

"Jungtae please just wear the clothes." Taehyung pleaded.


"But appa's coming back. Taeguk went to the airport."


"Jungtae wear the damn clothes!" Taehyung snapped making the baby start crying once again. Taehyung picked him up an attempted to get the baby calm before the two males arrived.

Luck never seems to be on Taehyung's side ever and one of these just happened to be an example. Jungkook walked in with Taeguk holding his hand and talking about his day and how he did so many colourings.

"Awh what happened to me baby huh?" Jungkook said and picked up the crying baby who still wouldn't stop.

"Hey." Jungkook said before pressing his lips against Taehyung's for a short kiss. Taehyung smiled at his husband, he had missed him so much but he was so tired.

"You look tired."

"Yeah let's just say that these two can become demons when they don't go for ice cream every other week." Taehyung laughed as an attempt to make it a a joke but obviously Jungkook was beyond worried.

"Go get some sleep baby I've got these." Jungkook said kissing Taehyung one more time.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now