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The Jeon's were a close family so family events were crucial to them. Every month they would go out for a meal now usually this was one of the best moments. So of course the hyper five year old would be sprinting around and trying to get everyone to 'hurry and move faster.'

"Appa hurry up! You're not a snail!" Taeguk whined as he watched his father slowly put on a t-shirt.

"Gukkie calm down." He said as he slowly put on some shoes.

So maybe Jungkook had spent last night doing a lot of work and then binge watching all the iron movies with a sleepy Taehyung snuggled up to him. Although he had no sleep there were no regrets.


Eventually they managed to get going. Jungkook and Jungtae being more difficult than usual. However they managed to get there before closing time which was a huge surprise to Taehyung. At the rate Jungkook was moving at he wasn't sure they were going anywhere.

Now that Jungkook was less of an issue Jungtae seemed to have started to play up big time by crying which only made Taeguk screamed songs louder.

"Yah Jungtae stop!" Taehyung said as he leaned over to put the dummy in Jungtae's mouth.


"Aish that car drive has given me a headache." Jungkook said while Taehyung mumbled words along the line of 'if you hurried' 'your fault' 'screaming children.'

Jungkook chuckled as the waiter showed them to their table.

"Okay we're going to eat all our food okay?" Jungkook said.

"Okay!!" Taeguk cheered but Jungtae was too engrossed in his colouring book that didn't make much sense to him.

"Okay Jungtae??"

"Otay." He said, unaware of what he just agreed to.


Now Jungtae agreed when he said okay but did he actually eat all of his food? Not even one spoonful. Taehyung had given up and started to eat his own food as the baby had become more devilish by the day. We can only wonder what he'll be like when he has access to everything else.

"I've got this." Jungkook said as he picked the fork that was placed on Jungtae's plate.

"This is my food, don't eat it Jungie it's mine!" Jungkook said, grabbing the attention of the child. Jungkook pretended to check his phone while Jungtae leaned forward and ate the chip.

"Yah my food!" Jungkook said slightly tickling Jungtae while he laughed loudly. It gained the attention of many people but most thought it was adorable others hope they would hush but the family didn't care.

Soon they managed to become functional enough for public. Taehyung and Taeguk were colouring and eating while Jungkook continued his game with Jungtae. It was difficult to deny how cute this family was although there were many times where the young parents were on the verge of a breakdown but hey they managed. Besides a child is only a child once and they've got to make the most of it.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now