♡ | lets sleep

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"Taeguk, if I watch this episode of paw patrol one more time, I'm going to lose my mind." Taehyung groaned.

The episode that was currently playing was one of Taeguk's favourites and once it's started, it won't be finished for a long time.

"But Papa, I like this one."

Taehyung sighed in reply, this episode was basically Taeguk's life - you can't take it away. The whole family knew the episode word for word. Even the biggest fan would get bored on the numerous occasions of watching this but Taeguk was very obsessive.

"Taeguk, why don't you watch some other cartoons." Taehyung forced out.

This statement was like a challenge to Taeguk, he adored paw patrol but wore it out a bit. "I do, I watch Ben and Holly, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, In The Night Garden and Mr Tumble!"

Taehyung nodded, he wasn't going to even try to prove his point because that child was too sassy. Jungkook always said it was from Taehyung's genes and then Taehyung would prove him right by giving him a sassy answer.

The only solution was to listen to music and that's what Taehyung did. After a couple of songs, he took out his headphones knowing that Jungkook would be home soon.

The same episode was still playing and Taeguk was still loving it.

Everything, after Taeguk, had pros and cons. Taehyung still couldn't believe where he was going in his life journey. He remembered telling his parents that he was never getting married and never ever having children.

The sound of the front door opening excited the younger male. He jumped up onto his feet and ran towards the front door.

"Appa!" Taeguk shouted. Jungkook picked him up and pecked all over his son's face.

"Hello baby, where's papa?" Jungkook asked.

His voice was dull and quiet. His shoulder were slightly slumped indicating that he was indeed exhausted. Jungkook struggled to keep his eyes open as they felt heavy. He sighed, really wanting Taehyung right now.

"The tv room." Taeguk replied.

"Living room." Jungkook corrected followed by a chuckle, he understood that the TV was all that Taeguk cared about in that room so naturally he named the room after it, and Jungkook walked in.

"This episode again..." Jungkook muttered, he sat next to Taehyung who rested his head on Jungkook's broad shoulder.

"Tired?" Jungkook asked, receiving a nod.

"How was work?" Taehyung asked lazily, quickly pecking his lips.

"Stressful, I'm thinking about working from home but then I need to trust someone to manage the company correctly." Jungkook explained.

"How about Yoongi hyung? He needs a raise because of his two kids."

Jungkook hummed. He was considering it but his job was stressful and was criticised a lot.

"I'll ask him, but for now lets have an early night." Jungkook said, sleepiness stepping into both parents.

"Sounds good."

A/n: hi

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