♡ | the jacket

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Taeguk ran into the room, holding something in his small hands. He covered it well despite his small hands.

"Papaaaaaa!" The boy said, not realising that he had Taehyung's attention when he walked into the room.

"Yes my precious baby tiger." Taehyung said. He picked up the boy and placed him on his lap.

"Where's appa?" The small boy asked, annoyed. "Appa's at work bunny but he'll be back soon." Taehyung said. He placed a soft kiss on Taeguk's forehead an action that had become a habit for the parent.

The small boy instantly clung onto Taehyung. His small arms around Taehyung's waist. The big doe eyes staring up at Taehyung until he reacted.

"Hey what's wrong?" Taeguk smiled, a big grin displayed and Taehyung knew that Taeguk had done something. 

"Papa you love me right?" Taeguk said with that same smile on his face. Taehyung nodded. The older male was curious to find out what Taeguk had done.

"So if I accidentally broke Appa's jacket then I wouldn't be in trouble, would I?" Taehyung's eyes widened. Taeguk was warned many times not to mess with Jungkook's or Taehyung's stuff as most of them were sentimental.

"Where's the jacket?" Taehyung asked, not very happy with what Taeguk had done. Taeguk pointed towards his playroom. The older male instantly ran into the playroom where Jungkook's favourite jacket lay with glitter, sticker, permanent paint and some random pieces of paper stuck to it. This was the jacket Jungkook got from his friend before he passed and it meant a lot to the male.

"Oh no....Taeguk."

Taehyung held the jacket desperately trying to remove the arts and crafts materials away from it. The male was sure that with a few washes it would be okay but when the familiar sound of Jungkook arriving home echoed through the house he knew there was no way he could save the situation.

Taeguk stood behind Taehyung, his head down, he was aware of how much trouble he would be in and Jungkook was terrifying when he was mad.

"I'm back!" Jungkook's voice echoed through the house and the door swung open. "Is that my jacket?" Jungkook asked, eyebrows furrowed. No way why would his jacket look like a 4 year olds art project?

"Um it's....uh–"

"That's my jacket! Why is my jacket covered in glitter!?" Jungkook's voiced was raised and it's clear to see he was angry.

Taeguk clung onto Taehyung's leg for protection, hiding behind it. The small boy has never seen Jungkook so angry and it scared him more than usual.

"A-Appa Taeguk's sorry."

Jungkook's gaze stayed on Taeguk, giving him the father look.

Suddenly the small boy ran out the room. Little taps were heard before the playroom door closed.

"Jungkook baby I know you're upset but he didn't mean for it to go this far." Taehyung said, hugging Jungkook and kissing his cheek in attempt to calm him.

"I can't even explain how annoyed I am." Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips while Jungkook groaned. "He knows he's not allowed to touch things without permission! And this is so important to me."

"I can fix it for you. C'mon honey just give him his punishment and calm down. You can give him a proper talk later."

The door opened slowly and Taeguk came back in. The small boy was holding his black, paw print sweater. "Here you go appa." Taeguk said, giving him the sweater.

Jungkook sat on the floor with Taeguk's favourite sweater in his hand. "What's this for?" Jungkook asked. "I r-ruined appa's jacket so appa can mess up my sweater."

Jungkook placed the sweater down and pulled Taeguk into his lap and Taehyung down. Jungkook snaked his arm around Taehyung waist and held Taeguk too. He realised that maybe he was harsh after all the jacket could be cleaned up. Despite that Taeguk was definitely getting punished.

"Baby tiger appa isn't mad okay? It was just a mistake and it doesn't matter. Appa still has you and papa and that's what matters." Jungkook said, kissing Taehyung's cheek.

"So I'm not in trouble?"

"Yes you are, no sweets or take out for 2 weeks. You'll also be expecting more vegetables and more homework. You know you aren't allowed to touch Appa's clothes unless he says so."

Taeguk poutedbut deep down he was so glad that Jungkook wasn't as mad as he could be.

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