♡ | talk talk talk

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The small family walked into the screening room. Taeguk already talking about the movie as loudly as he could resulting in his parents telling him to shush.

"Papa are we watching Paddington the new one?" Taeguk asked pulling on Jungkook's sleeve. Jungkook picked up the small boy obviously getting the signal.

"Yes baby we're watching Paddington 2."

The conversation fell silent as the looked for their seats. They sat on the fourth to front row or else Taehyung would wine about too many people being in front of them.

Jungkook brought popcorn and drinks because Taehyung and Taeguk both wanted it. Taeguk did want a pick and mix but Jungkook wouldn't let him since Taeguk has ate a ton of sweets over the past few weeks. He was a push over but who wouldn't be when those big eyes were staring at you so Jungkook was proud of himself.

"Okay baby you have to be good, no talking."

Taeguk nodded but both his parents knew he would continue speaking throughout the entire movie.

A man came in to state the rules. "Please make sure all mobile phones are off-" Taeguk inserted. "Papa, Appa turn your phones off!" Taeguk screamed.

Everybody in the cinema turned to look at the boy. Some with adoration for the family other with annoyance and a minority with disgust.


Most people found the boy cute but continued staring. This made the parents of this adorable boy awkward. They turned off their phones, not wanting a lecture from their son and the man carried on. "Thanks for that little dude but anyways please make sure that little one's are looked after and enjoy the movie"

After a while everybody turned their attention to the screen. Which was amazing for the couple.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a small smile which Taehyung returned.

30 minutes later

Taeguk didn't stop speaking but people didn't mind since he was so adorable. They received a few glares but the tried their best to ignore it.

"Taeguk shush hun other people are watching too." Taehyung whispered.

"But papa I want to tell you how I feel about my bear."

Jungkook laughed quietly and pecked Taeguk's forehead. "Baby be quiet and we'll go to McDonald's later."

Taeguk cheered loudly. "Shhh Taeguk we gonna go McDonald's so I can get happy meal." Taeguk whispered to himself.

Taehyung intertwined his hands with Taeguk's small ones and pecked his hands. Hopefully they could watch the rest of the film without being questioned and spoke to but Taeguk did love the cuddly bear and he loved talking to his parents.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now