♡ | happy Jungie day

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A couple of months went by and the family a manged to function way better than before. Jungtae's birthday finally came around and Taeguk was more excited than Jungtae.

"Happy birthday Jungtae!" Taeguk shouted at the crib in the early hours. Too early even for Jungtae who was awake at 7 everyday.

No one in the room woke up, too early for their likings.

"Come on let's go you have a birthday party." Taeguk said before poking the baby who started crying loudly.

"Gukkie why are you awake do early?" Jungkook said in a rough morning voice.

"It's Jungie's birthday!" He said way too excited.

"Come on let's get out before you wake
Papa up." Jungkook said holding Taeguk's hand and also picking up Jungtae.


Soon the time for the party arrived which meant a lot of noisy children but luckily Taehyung thought ahead and booked an indoor playground. They arrived fast, easily putting Taeguk into the car seat since he was so excited.

No guests had arrived yet but no one was complaining. Taeguk ran off into the playground while Jungtae was happy to sit at the table and play with his cars. This gave the couple some time to themselves.

"Who's going to look after Jungtae. He'll probably fall over with all them children."

"Not it!" Jungkook shouted.

Taehyung sighed before looking over at the boy who was driving the toy up Jungkook's back.


Taehyung took Jungtae into the toddler section but the boy refused to play with any of the guests. Taeguk on the other hand was making friends with almost everyone.

"Come on Jungtae. They came to play with you."


"Should we get the cake?" Taehyung asked but Jungtae didn't respond. He just looked at the other children and stayed close to Taehyung.

The two returned back to the table full of adults who were laughing and enjoying the party unlike Taehyung who couldn't get Jungtae to play with anyone.

"I thought he was going to play." Jungkook said pointing at Jungtae.

"He refuses to play with anyone. Let's get the cake out." Taehyung said and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook hummed in agreement before asking a waiter.

All the children gathered around and sang happy birthday very loudly.

Taehyung's headache was getting worse but he kept it quiet.

After everyone had some cake the children went back to playing.

""Why isn't Jungtae playing?" Taeguk asked while Jungkook explained. "Come on Jungie let's go play." Taeguk said and took the little hand in his own.

The day ended better than expected. Jungtae and Taeguk fell asleep in the car, leaving the couple more time alone.

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