♡ | amusment park

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This idea was from adorable_vkook thanks, also feel free to recommend ideas

"I have an idea for today." Taehyung said, closing his laptop and putting it away.

"Yes tae baby?" Jungkook said, continuing to do his work but responding to his husband's velvety voice instantly.

"Let's take Taeguk to an amusement park." Taehyung said, excitedly.

"That's a great idea just Taeguk won't go on rides we like unless you want to go on all the kid rides." Jungkook said, still typing.

"Jimin said he wants to take Minjae and Parkjae so we can figure something out besides Jimin doesn't like big rides." Taehyung said, jumping onto Jungkook's back while the male stayed seated on the floor doing his work. Completely used to Taehyung's weirdness.

"Sounds good where's Taeguk?" Jungkook asked and placed a wet kiss on Taehyung's cheek. "Ew.....thanks." Taehyung said, wiping his cheek on Jungkook's shirt.


"Right down my ear.....thanks."

"You're welcome." Taehyung giggled as he tucked Jungkook's hair being his ear. The other hummed at the action.

A few seconds later there was more weight on Jungkook because Taeguk attempted to jump on Taehyung's back.

"Yes papa?" Taeguk said.

"How would you like to go to an amusement park?" Taehyung asked.

"What's an amusement park?" Taeguk asked, playing with Jungkook's papers.

"Gukkie stop playing with that and an amusement park is a place with a lot of rides and fun." Jungkook explained and took the papers from Taeguk's reach.

"Okay let's go!" Taeguk said, getting up and ready to leave.

"Not today Gukkie baby, tomorrow." Taehyung explained.

"Okay time to eat, sandwiches anyone?" Jungkook said. He stood up and Taehyung wrapped his legs and arms around him so Jungkook was giving a piggy back.

"No fair I don't get uppy!" Taeguk whined, pouting and making grabby hands.

"Tough life of a dad." Jungkook said with a chuckle. He picked Taeguk up and walked towards the kitchen.

Next day ~

"Kookie, wake up." Taehyung said and slightly shook him but the male didn't even move.

"Kookie, my love~" Taehyung said and kept shaking Jungkook.

"God where's Taeguk when you need him." Taehyung muttered. Taehyung placed his lips onto Jungkook's and got a response but Jungkook wasn't giving up easily.

Jungkook pulled away and closed his eyes again. "Kookie get up! Otherwise you aren't getting kissed again." As soon as this was said Jungkook groaned and stretched.

"Well this is a new alarm clock where's my smaller one?" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Probably pretending to be asleep so today comes quicker." Taehyung said and giggled.

"Come on."

A few hours later the family were ready and at the amusement park but they had to wait for Yoongi, Jimin, Minjae and Parkjae.

"Papa where are they?" Taeguk asked, watching a ride.

"I'm not sure bunny." Taehyung said, looking around the park but not seeing them.

"Look there they are." Jungkook said, pointing and waving. Taeguk also started to aggressively waving his hand but he was too short.

"Where are they? I can't see them!" Taehyung said looking around.

"Now I can see them." Taehyung said.

"I'd be concerned if you couldn't." Jimin said with a laugh.

"Alright let's get to the rides, probably kiddy section first." Yoongi said with Parkjae on his back.

"I want to go on that one!!" Taeguk screamed, pointing at a small roller coater that went relatively high for children.

"No! It's scary!" Parkjae said, clinging onto Yoongi tighter.

"Come on Minjae!" Taeguk said, enthusiastically.

"Well looks like they need an adult......not it!" Jungkook said.

"Not it!" Said Taehyung.

"Definitely not it." Said Yoongi.

"God dammit." Jimin said followed by a sigh.

"Come on kids." Jimin said. So the three left to go on the child ride.

"Parkjae what ride do you want to go on?" Taehyung asked, slightly dying to go on a big roller coaster.

"None..." Parkjae replied, hiding where he could but it was difficult since he was on Yoongi's back.

"That's okay." Yoongi said, pecking Parkjae's cheek.

After a couple more children rides Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook got to go on rides while Jimin looked after the kids and entertained them.

"Haunted house!" Taehyung said, pointing at it.

"No." Yoongi said.

"Give me the children Jimin you go with them." Yoongi said.

"No way! I'm not going in there." Jimin whined.

"Come on chim pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, don't be a wimp! At least not in front of your kids." Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's strategy.


In the Haunted house ~

"OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Jimin screamed while both Taehyung and Jungkook laughed until a clown popped out and Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm.

"Guys can we leave?" Jimin said, holding Taehyung's hand tightly.

"Jimin it's not that scar- OH MY GOD, STUPID CLOWN!" Taehyung screamed.

Jungkook kept laughing and he was getting to the point where he couldn't breathe. Luckily karma was on Jimin's side because Jungkook stood directly where the vampire should have popped out.

"Ow! Fucking vampire!" Jungkook said while Taehyung and Jimin started laughing.

"Watch your language babe." Taehyung said, to used to telling Jungkook off.

"Bats look Jimin." Taehyung said.

"No you dick!!" Jimin screamed.

Taehyung and Jungkook didn't stop laughing until they left.

"Wow you had fun." Taeguk said, hugging Jungkook's leg.

"We did but dont worrh guys I got it on camera." Taehyung said.

"No you didn't." Jimin said, trying to grab Taehyung's phone.

"I'll send it to you Yoongi."

"Alright home time." Yoongi said. "Head count, 3 children, check. Two bigger children check and a Jimin, check, let's go."

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now