♡ | babysitting for friend

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This chapter is made from missblank007 idea. Thanks

Taeguk woke up. His big doe eyes opening and his little body making his way dowmstairs to his papa who was busy talking to someone else. Taeguk was a patient person and was fine with waiting for his papa's attention. What the small boy did notice was two small babies in a car seat.

"Thank you so much Taehyungie. Tell Jungkook I said thanks. I won't be too long-" Taehyung cut off the pretty woman. "Hey it's fine." Taehyung said as he showed the lady out.

"Papa why are they here?" Taeguk asked. The small boy looked at the babies, they weren't his siblings so why were they here?

"I'm looking after them while their eomma goes to work, it's only for today. Can you get appa to help me please?" Taehyung asked.

Taeguk did as he was told even though he didn't get the normal attention but the small boy knew he'd get the attention from his father. Taeguk jumped on Jungkook even though he was already awake. "Appa papa says that he needs help with the babies." Taeguk said.

Jungkook gasped. "That's today?!" Jungkook said. The buff male quickly got out of bed and threw a t-shirt on, leaving Taeguk behind with an angry pout, he didn't even give him a hug!

The small boy walked downstairs only to find one twin in his papa's lap and the other in his appa's. Taeguk let it be as he knew it would be breakfast when his papa and appa would shower him in attention.


"Aw your such a cute baby." Taehyung said, placing the baby in the Taeguk's old high chair while the other stayed in Jungkook's lap.

"Papa I'm a cute baby." Taeguk said, still not getting the attention he normally did. It was unusual and he was having a hard time adjusting.

"Gukkie you're a big boy, you said so yesterday but yes bunny you're adorable" Taehyung said.

Taeguk got his food and watched both his parents feed the other children instead of talking to him. Taeguk didn't like all the attention that they were getting so he got up and left.

"Gukkie baby come back and finish you're food." Jungkook said but continued to make the baby laugh the same way he made Taeguk laughed. Taeguk's feeling in his stomach got stronger and the small boy was tempted to throw a tantrum.


All day Taehyung and Jungkook paid attention to the baby. They made them laugh and watched TV with them. They even gave TaTa and Cooky to them. Taeguk felt like his parents didn't love him anymore. They wanted the twins not him anymore. It's because he was a big boy not cute and small anymore.

"Papa and appa don't like Gukkie anymore because Gukkie isn't cute anymore so Gukkie should leave to make papa and appa happy with the babies." Taeguk muttered to himself. He couldn't take TaTa or Cooky with him as the twins had them so Taeguk left with some other toys.

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