♡ | Halloween night

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Taeguk hopped down the stairs in his Halloween costume. The little boy picked up his bucket for his sweets although his parents have warned him that he can't have too many sweets.

"Awie my Gukkie so cute." Taehyung said and kissing Taeguk's cheek.

"Papa can we go now?" Taeguk asked, impatiently.

"Hm it's only 4 we'll go at 5, when appa and Jungtae are back from Jungtae's hospital appointment."

"Oh ok I'm gonna play." Taeguk said as he ran off.

"Okay babe but don't ruin your costume."

Taeguk ^

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Taeguk ^

Jungkook ^

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Jungkook ^

Taehyung ^

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Taehyung ^

"Gukkie, appa and Jungtae are ready, come on." Taehyung shouted from the living room. Taehyung knew it was early for trick or treating but he'd prefer having them out earlier so it's safer and they can avoid the reckless teenagers.

Taeguk hoped down the stairs like he did earlier.

"Oh wow don't you look adorable?" Jungkook said, taking Taeguk's small hand into his much larger one. Taeguk smiled brightly proud of the praise he got.

"Why isn't Jungtae dressed up?" Jungkook asked staring at the baby that found entertainment in messing with Taehyung's hair.

"We tried he wouldn't put a single costume on." Taehyung sighed as he glared the baby monster.

"Before we leave what are the rules?" Jungkook said as he knew that Taeguk would run off as soon as he had the chance.

"Oh I know! Pick me! Pick me!" Taeguk said waving his arm in the air.

"You in the penguin suit." Jungkook said pointing to the boy next to him.

"No running off, no having all the sweets when we get back, no eating sweets along the way or littering the wrappers and no complaining if there aren't any sweets." Taeguk said counting the rules on his small fingers as he said them.

"Good boy now lets go." Jungkook said as they exited the house.


The first house they went to was their next door neighbour who was an old lady with a rude teenage grandaughter. The old lady made sure that Jungkook and Taehyung brought Taeguk and Jungtae so she could admire how cute they were.

"Trick or treat!" Taeguk said happily while Jungtae continued to ignore the people and play with his teddy that kept him quiet.

"Oh wow aren't you adorable? I think you can have an extra chocolate for being so cute." The old woman said while Taehyung and Jungkook shook their head. The old woman gave Taeguk an extra sweet and smiled at Jungkook and Taehyung as an apology. She couldn't go back on what she said when she looked at Taeguk's bright smile.

"Thank you!" Taeguk said as he put it in the bucket.


By now the couple wanted to go home. It was getting colder but Taeguk wanted to continue.

"Gukkie baby let's go home now." Jungkook said but the little boy pouted and shook his head.

"Don't give into his pout." Taehyung said but Jungkook already did.

"Fine where else can we go?" Jungkook asked.

"Home!" Taehyung said. "I told you not to give into him because he thinks he can get what he wants."

"It's not my fault he's adorable." Jungkook said. "It's yours."

"Jungkook I swear to god I will leave you outside ton- where the hell is Taeguk?!" Taehyung said as he realised the little boy wasn't there. Jungkook groaned.

"He said he wanted to go to another house right? It might be on this street since he like going to every house." Jungkook said, looking around for the little boy who was going to get the lecture of a lifetime.

Soon they found the boy next to the house of a grumpy man. "The sign says no trick or treating so leave!" He shouted at the 4 year old.

"Yah he's just a kid so stop screaming at him." Taehyung shouted back. Jungkook was quick to pick up Taeguk and lead Taehyung away from there.

The walk back home was silent and Taeguk was too oblivious to realise it.

As Taeguk was going to run to the kitchen a force held him back. Jungkook's facial expression was beyond angry and Taeguk could see the anger everytime Jungkook bit his lip. "Me and you need a talk." He said in a low tone. Taehyung felt sorry for his baby but Taeguk knows that he shouldn't run off because someone could take him.

"What did you do that was bad today?" Jungkook asked the little boy who was sitting on the couch next to Taehyung and Jungtae. "I don't know..." Taeguk said, trying hard to remember what he did.

"Didn't you run off? How many times have we told you to stay with us? Would you like it if someone took you away from eomma and appa? It seems like you would. Now you aren't having any sweets for 3 days at the least. I'm not happy with you Taeguk. Go get ready for bed." Jungkook said and took Taeguk's bucket out of his small, chubby hands.

"I'm sorry." Taeguk said, hoping it would get his sweets back and he wouldn't have to sleep at 7 instead of 8. "No Gukkie go get ready for bed." Jungkook said,  avoiding eye contact so he didn't see Taeguk's big, doe eyes.

After Taeguk left and Jungtae fell asleep Jungkook and Taehyung decided to watch a horror movie.

"Was I too harsh?"

"No, he needed that, it's better to have him angry at you for a little while than permanently not having him." Taehyung said as he snuggled closer. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung's and kissed his forehead gently.

"We should have more moments like this." Taehyung said while Jungkook nodded in agreement. He appreciated Taehyung's beauty for a little longer before diverting his attention back to the TV.

Happy halloween! This is long and rushed because I forgot it was halloween.

So does it trigger people that Taehyung is called eomma because I feel like it's too into the book to change it truly and it like the concept so I'm not changing it.

So would it be better if I added a warning?

Thank you for the love and support on this book so far 💙💙💙
Have a good day

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