♡ | happy birthday Guk

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Today was Taeguk's birthday and the couple weren't sure if they should be excited or dreading it. Either way they would have to throw a party with all of Taeguk's extremely loud friends but Jungkook suggested having it at an indoor playground. Of course this was more expensive but anything for his little Gukkie.

Taeguk was more than pleased when he saw that his parents and Jungtae were already up for the day.

"Happy birthday baby. You're growing up so fast." Taehyung said as he left soft kisses all over Taeguk's face.

"Happy birthday angel." Jungkook said as he placed breakfast in front of the male. "Now if you eat all of that you can open the present that we got you."

Taeguk finished his breakfast fast and ran into the living room to retrieve the presents. He got three one from every family member. The presents consisted of teddies and books, something he was more than pleased with.

He thanked his parents with a hug and left to get ready.


Taeguk insisted on getting ready himself as he was now five years old. Taehyung and Jungkook thought it was a good idea because Taeguk couldn't be babied forever although that option was tempting for the young couple.

"Taeguk, babe, did you check yourself in the mirror?" Jungkook said, trying to hold back his laugh.

"Yes why?" Taeguk he said. He saw nothing wrong with his outfit, in fact he found it cute.

"You're wearing it the wrong way around." Taehyung said as he attempted to get Jungtae ready but he would take the clothes off throw them on the floor after saying 'bye bye.'

"Jungie! Just leave the clothes!" Taehyung said as he put the shirt on the little boy who simply shook his head while Jungkook tried to fix Taeguk's clothing.

After a long time they managed to get everyone ready and to the indoor playground.

Some people had just arrived and they were quick to give their presents and run off. Instantly the parents started chatting and Jungkook being the shy guy he was, decided to watch the children and let tae do the talking.

Soon he missed the presence of Taehyung and went to go find him.

The birthday party was beyond boring but the couple used it as a time they could talk to each other without worrying about what they were saying in front of their children. That was until Taeguk came running up with tears in his eyes.

Taeguk wasn't one to cry unless he got hurt. He clung onto Taehyung's leg as Jungtae was sleeping in Jungkook's arms. Taehyung being the softie he was instantly picked him up.

"What's wrong my angel?" He said as he placed a kiss on Taeguk's head.

"I went down the slide and I hurt my arm and Gyeong's friend laughed at me and said I was weak" Taeguk complained while Taehyung rubbed his back.

"It's just a burn from the slide and don't listen to them. Go have fun. You don't wanna be here crying while everyone else is having fun right?" Taehyung said.

Taeguk slowly nodded his head and left to continue playing. Jungkook sighed. "Kids become more bratty by the day."

"It's okay, he's going to have to learn to ignore them like everyone else."

The rest of the day went quiet smoothly. They managed to get the cake and sing happy birthday without children being messy. At the end of the day Taeguk and Jungtae were fast asleep which meant a well deserved break for the parents.

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