♡ | shut up jae

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Taeguk and Gyeong were sitting at school and writing their names, the two were very focused on the messy meters that hardly looked like what they were supposed to look like.

"My name is shorter. T-a-e-g-u-k!" Taeguk said.

"G-y-e-ong." Gyeong spelled out half of his name, clearly not understanding what he had just been taught. "Did your mommy have a baby?"

"I think so but he cries a lot but he's cute so it's okay." Taeguk said. His pen creating what looked like some sort of lettering.

"Does your papa and appa still love you?" Gyeong asked while Taeguk nodded to embraced in his writing. Of course his parents loved him, they were the best and they told him that all the time.

"Do you know who Jae is?" Gyeong asked.

"Yea he's the one who looks after the hamster on the weekends." Taeguk replied, not breaking eye contact with his piece of paper.

"He said that eomma's and appa's don't love you after they had another baby." Gyeong said like a teenager spreading the gossip.

After hearing this Taeguk looked up. "Really?"

There was no way that his appa and papa would stop loving him. He was the first baby and he had so much fun with his dads. How could they stop all that for the new kid?

"But Jae's a liar." Gyeong said and carried on writing, clearly not understanding what he had just done to his best friend.

School ends

"Okay everyone line up, your parents are here." The teacher said and started directing the children to their parents who were 6 steps away.

"Miss..." Taeguk said.

"There's your papa and appa Taeguk." The teacher said pointing at the two males who were focused on Jungtae and hoping he wouldn't cause a scene right now.

"I don't want to go with appa and papa." Taeguk muttered as he kicked a pebble that lay in front of him.

"Why not?" The teacher questioned, she saw that something was wrong with the child and it was her responsibility to make sure all her students were safe and happy.

"Jae said that papa and appa don't love you after they have another baby." Taeguk explained. The teacher knew she couldn't force Taeguk to go with his parents but she knew Taeguk and she knew how much he loved his parents and how much they loved him.

"Okay Taeguk wait here." She's said and went over to Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Hello sorry to bother you but Taeguk says that he doesn't want to go home with you." Both males were confused when hearing this.

"And why is that?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung held Jungtae who was being very fussy by crying everytime he didn't have his dummy. Of course he would cause a scene.

"He thinks now that you have Jungtae you won't love him." The teacher explained. "I suggest going over and talking to him."

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded before going over to the boy who was playing with some toys. He continioulsy crashed the two cars together and paid no mind to his worried parents.

"Gukkie aren't you coming home?" Taehyung asked, sitting with the boy.


"Hm? Why not?" Jungkook asked even though he knew why.

"Appa and papa don't love Gukkie, they love Jungtae." Taeguk muttered focusing on anything but his two loving parents.

"C'mere." Jungkook said with his arms open. Taeguk got up and sat in Jungkook's lap despite him feeling a little sad.

"Appa and papa love you and Jungtae equally, okay? Just because we have another baby doesn't mean we don't love you. We need you at home so you can be our precious little tiger, will you come home with us?"

Taeguk shook his head.

"Come on Gukkie we won't like the house without you. Who will Jungtae play with when his older and who will eat appa's dinosaur pancakes? You don't want to make appa sad do you?" Taehyung said, still holding Jungtae who was just sitting there, watching the drama unfold.

"Okay I come back but for the dinosaurs." Taeguk said.

"Little monkey."

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