♡ | shhh

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Taehyung was laying fast asleep on the neutral coloured sofa. Work draining him alongside two very hyper children who were currently out with their other parent.

This gave Taehyung the perfect opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep. Jungtae has become fussier now a days and woke up several times in the night. The couple didn’t understand why and left it at the lack of attention Jungtae was getting.

The sleep was short lived. Taehyung heard the loud voices of the two children and Jungkook hushing them in a gentle tone, of course they didn’t quiet down.

Taehyung, being the tired person he was, decided to close his eyes and pray that he falls back asleep.

This didn’t work as well as he expected. He felt a little poke on his mouth whilst Taeguk and Jungkook were in the kitchen (probably making cookies to keep him quiet.)

Taehyung continued to pretend to be asleep until Jungtae poked his lips again.  Instead of ignoring him Taehyung lightly bit Jungtae’s finger. Taehyung was sure that the baby would start laughing but the opposite happened.

Tears filled the big doe eyes before Jungtae screamed.

“Ah no! Don’t cry…I’m sorry.” Taehyung quickly said, holding back laughter. He swiftly placed the child in his lap and patted his back.

Jungkook was late to run in because he didn’t hear the crying.

“What happened?”

“Long story.” Taehyung said with a small smile.

“We making cookies!!” Taeguk shouted as he pointed to the oven where the cookies were baking.

“Wow, my little baker.” Taehyung cooed.

“Appa wouldn’t let me put his face on them.”

“Guk for the last time just because my name ends in kook and papa calls me kookie doesn’t mean I’m an actual cookie.” Jungkook tried to explain only to receive a ‘you could be.’

Taehyung giggled at his family. The scene was crazy to say the least but he wouldn’t change it for the world.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now