♡ | santa IS real

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It was just November, roughly a month away from Christmas but that didn't stop Taeguk from checking the house for presents. Of course he knew that Santa wouldn't be here yet but he knew his parents would have brought something and maybe Jungtae if he was feeling generous.

Ever since the start of November Taeguk had been writing letters to Santa whenever something happened, whether it was good or bad.

To make sure the little boy wasn't disappointed Taehyung wrote back for every single letter. It was tiring but to see Taeguk running into the living room, screaming that Santa had wrote back truly was an adorable moment.

Today Gyeong and his parents were coming around and Taeguk was very excited. Although he wouldn't admit it, Jungtae was quite annoying now that he could walk and say some words. Taeguk always thought that Jungtae wasn't mature enough to play with him and he definitely thought that Santa wouldn't be visiting him.

"Gukkie come on Gyeong's going to be here soon." Taehyung said, taking the little hand into his own and leading the little boy down the stairs, towards the living room where Jungkook and Jungtae were waiting.

"So what were you doing upstairs for all that time?" Jungkook asked even though he knew what Taeguk was doing, searching for presents. That's why they left the presents at Yoongi's and Jimin's although they were a little worried that Parkjae would tell Taeguk. However after offering him sweets the boy promised to keep his mouth shut.

"They're here!" Taeguk shouted happily as he jumped from where he was sat and ran to the door. He still couldn't unlock the door but luckily Jungkook and Taehyung followed after, to make sure that their guests got a warm welcome.

After everyone greeted each other, Taeguk and Gyeong went to the play room.

"Has Santa left you anything?" Taeguk asked, wondering if Santa would come earlier.

Gyeong giggled. "Santa isn't real!"

Taeguk let out an offended gasp. "He is too! Who else would bring your presents? Santa's feelings might be hurt now."

"Gukkie, Jinsoo said that his eomma said that Santa is fake."

"He's a liar!" Taeguk said, setting his plushie down. "Ask my papa he says it's real."

"Fine let's go ask." Gyeong said, getting up and going to the dining room where everyone else was, with Taeguk following behind him.

"Papaa!" Taeguk shouted.

Taehyung let a small sigh escape his lips before turning around, knowing this wasn't going to be good. "Yes Gukkie bear?"

"Is Santa real?" Taeguk asked as straightforward as possible.

"Of course" Taehyung said with a boxy smile that made Jungkook want to give him all of his affection but was held back by the fact that there were people there.

"See I told you!" Taeguk said, smiling at his victory.

"But he isn't! Your parents put the presents." Gyeong said while his parents looked at him, confused. They don't remember telling him that.

"Yeongie Santa is real."

His mother tried to convince him but Gyeong wasn't believing a word.

However Taeguk kept his belief in Santa pretty strong, mainly because he didn't want to hurt Santa's feelings.

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