♡ | appa's trip

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It was late at night when Jungkook came back home from work. He was tired and needed cuddles asap but Taehyung was fast asleep along with the two boys. He walked into the kitchen to grab a small snack before getting ready for bed.

Taehyung looked utterly adorable when he slept so Jungkook found himself staring at the male instead of sleeping. He didn't know how long he stared for but soon Taehyung woke up.

"Kookie..." He whined and snuggled into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook chuckled as he wrapped an arm around the smaller boy. "Why did you come home so late?" Taehyung muttered.

"There was another meeting. I'll tell you about it later but let's just sleep baby angel." Jungkook explained while Taehyung nodded.


Like usual Jungtae started crying around 8. Jungkook was way too tired and the noise had no effect on him but Taehyung's slumber was disturbed. 

"Ah my little monster always awake so early." Taehyung said when the baby was in his embrace. He lightly kissed his nose and started walking towards Taeguk's room.

"Good morning my baby tiger." Taehyung said but Taeguk didn't move.

"Okay time to unleash the baby." Taehyung said as he placed Jungtae on Taeguk's bed. Instantly he began poking Taeguk and laying on top of him while blubbering. Taeguk soon opened an eye to see Taehyung smiling at him.

"Good morning." He repeated and picked Jungtae back up. "Get dressed breakfast will be made soon and don't wake appa up."

Taehyung started on breakfast after warming some milk for Jungtae who happily drank. As expected Taeguk did wake Jungkook up. The male came down the stairs with Taeguk clinging onto his back.

"Good morning, my love." Jungkook said in a morning voice as he softly pecked Taehyung's plump lips.

After eating breakfast Jungkook lead Taehyung to the living room to reveal the latest news on his job.

"So the meeting last night was actually about a business trip. You know how Namjoon normally goes on them?" Jungkook said while Taehyung nodded, watching the two boys who were playing, well Taeguk was doing homework.

"He can't go on it so my manager wanted me to do it. I'm not going to be here for a couple of days you'll be okay right? Because I can always decline I don't really care about the money I mean I think we're doing well financially-"

"Kookie I'll be absolutely fine. Besides I know how to keep them quiet and if I have a problem Jimin's only a phone call away." Taehyung said although he was terrified of looking after the children by himself. This was the first time Jungkook would spend a while away but Taehyung was determined to let Jungkook enjoy this trip.

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