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3rd Person POV

"Crystalia!... big Brother!"

A small, lost girl wandered through the snow, shouting for her mother and brother.

"Where are you?" She cried out, but no one answered her.

Small tears rolled down her cheeks and dropped onto the snow, but she never stopped and went on.

Suddenly there was a crack under her feet and when she made her next step another one appeared. The little girl realized she was on a frozen lake. The fresh snow had covered the icy surface of the water, so she hadn't seen it. Quickly but carefully, she tried to get off the lake as fast as possible. Fear was showing on her face, yet she tried to keep calm. But the luck wasn't on her side. The cracks grew bigger with every step she took. The ice broke under her feet and she fell into to the ice cold water. Before her head went under the water she gave a loud and fearful shriek.

Darkness engulfed her body. She didn't know where the surface was. Panicked, she tried to find the way towards fresh air. She didn't want to die. She still needed to find her mother and her brother. 'Help me!' Her thoughts screamed for somebody to help her. She didn't have any air left in her lungs and slowly her mind started to fade. The last thing the small child saw, was a hand reaching for her through the water.

"Hey Ur, I think she is waking up" The girl heared voices she didn't recognise speaking.

Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a boy, probably around her age, standing in front of her. He had white, spiky hair and dark blue eyes. Behind him was a beautiful woman with dark, short hair and dark eyes.

"W... Who are you? What happened?", she asked them.

The women kneeled down in front of her and smiled softly.

"I'm Ur and the boy is my student Lyon. We were training when we heard you scream and came in the right moment to see you fall in the lake. I fished you out, but by then you were already unconscious."

"I see, thank you for saving me."

The girl took a small bow in front of Ur and the woman chuckled at the action. "I'm only glad that we weren't too late. What were you doing here all alone?"

The girl looked at the ground sadly and explained."When I woke up this morning, my mom wasn't there. So I went to look for her. I was also looking for my brother. My brother and I don't live together, but maybe his dad would know where my mom is."

Ur put a hand on the girls shoulder to comfort her and said: "I see, could you describe your mother? We will help you looking for her."

"Really? Thank you!"

The girl jumped up and hugged the surprised woman happily.

"No problem, but you need to describe her, so we can help you"

The girl let go of Ur and looked at her with a bright, toothy smile."Of course"

Ur chuckled and the girl began to describe her mother.

"Her name is Crystalia. She has light blue and white scales with dark blue eyes and markings. She also has wings with feather and is tall like a tree."

Ur stared with big eyes at the girl, unable to speak. Lyon, who was listening silently the whole time, cut in.

"Ur, I think she hit her head on the ice when she fell. I mean, there's no woman who is as tall as a tree."

This made the girl a little angry. "I didn't hit my head and my mom isn't a woman, she is a dragon!"

Ur and Lyons eyes grew even bigger and starred at the small girl. Suddenly Lyon begins laughing.

"Haha... a dragon, really... dragons don't exist!"

"They do exist. My mom even is the queen of the ice dragons and tought me ice dragon slayer magic and my brother's dad is also a dragon. He is the fire dragon king Igneel and teached my brother fire dragon slayer magic"

"Yeah, right.", said Lyon sarcastically.

"It's true and I can prove it to you!" Now really angry, the girl stared at Lyon, who challenged her.

"Then prove it!"

The girl turned away from Lyon and Ur and inhaled a lot of air in her lungs. Strong magic started surrounding her. She got into the stance Crystalia tought her and shouted.

"Ice Dragon ROOOAAAR!"

The air around them became even colder and she breathed a storm of ice out of her lungs, just like a dragon. When she finished the trees nearest to her were blown away and the trees behind them where now covered in ice. Icicles were sticking out of the ground.

Ur and Lyon couldn't believe their eyes and the girl smiled brightly.

"Told you that I'm an ice dragon slayer."

Finally Ur calmed down and walked towards the girl.with a smile. "That was amazing. You're really strong. I have an idea. Would you want to become one of my students? I could teach you ice make magic. And during your training we can look for your dragon mother together?"

The girl stared at Ur's face a few minutes, thinking, before she gave her answer.

"Yes, I think I can become your student, but I still need to find Crystalia and my brother."

"Of course, so then, new student, what's your name?"

"(y/n), (y/n) Dragneel."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now