Reach the Sky Above

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3rd Readers Pov

"Natsu we're going to destroy the moon.", Erza said to the pink haired boy, her arms crossed.

Natsu grinned excitedy. "Really?"

The other Fairy Tail wizards had a shocked expression on their faces, with the exception of (y/n), who had more of a thoughtful one.

"It's the only way to change the villagers back into their originally form.", Erza explained and the villagers cheered.

"Where do you wanna go?", Natsu ran up to Erza with a grin. "Do you think we should climb up to the top of the temple, it's a lot higher up there?"

"We'll do it from here.", she answered. "The villagers can't go near the temple and they need to witness this."

"I don't know what she is thinking. I mean she can do some amazing things, but still...", Gray said, not really sure about the whole thing.

"So, what do you think she's gonna do to it?", Lucy couldn't believe the situation either.

"It's exciting, huh?", Happy put in.

"More like terrifying.", Lucy said back.

"Have more faith in Erza. She always knows what she is doing.", (y/n) smiled.

Gray raised his eyebrow. "So you know what this is all about?"

"I think I know, but I'm not sure yet.", (y/n) answered him.

"This is Giant Armor.", Erza spoke up again, explaining her armor and plan. "It increases my strength and allows me to throw things farther."

She outstretched her arm and made a spear appear in it. "And this is the spear of Haja, it repels darkness. "

The villagers and Natsu awed at it. "Wow, I see what you're planning now. You gonna use that spear to knock the moon out of the sky."

'Give me a break, this never gonna work.' The Fairy Tail wizards gave Natsu a deadpanned expression, while (y/n) giggled at her brother.

"That's right, but I'm afraid I'll need more strength than the armor can give me. So Natsu, I'm going to need to use your fire power as a boost.", Erza turned to Natsu.

"Whenever I begin to throw the spear, I want you to hit the back of it with your flames. Now we'll have to time our attack perfectly. But I think you should give me just enough power to do the job.", she explained.

"Sounds like a killer plan to me.", Natsu clenched his fists in excitement.

"Then let's do it!", she began to walk where she wanted to throw the spear and Natsu followed her with a grin.

"The really think they're gonna pull this off, do they?", Gray commented.

"Well I think they went nuts this time.", Lucy replied.


Erza and Natsu stood on a watchtower. She got her spear ready to throw. "Now!", she instructed Natsu, as she began to throw the spear. He engulfed his right hand in fire and hit the end of the weapon.

With a blast, the spear went off and was flying into the sky. "She did it!", Happy shouted excitedly.

"This is bad.", were Gray words to it and Lucy shouted. "What are they thinking?!"

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