Wizard Saint Jura

636 16 2

Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


3rd Reader's Pov.

"I swear I put an end to you, for the honor of the six demons!" They heard a voice after a while. (y/n) looked up to see Cobra standing above her, glaring down on her. He was wobbly too and was all pale as his body was shaking.

(y/n) gave a weak grin. "Try."

Cobra looked pissed down at her as his poisonous aura surrounded his claws. He stumbled, but still raised his claw, ready to strike her. "It's over for you!"

He was stopped when a green beam hit his back. "That's enough, Cobra. You may stand down."

Cobra turned around to see his own master. (y/n) looked wide eyed at the newcomer too, confused of what happened.

"Brain? But why?", Cobra questioned him. "Are you mad?"

"You performed extraordinary well, but it's time for you to rest.", Brain answered with an evil grin. Brain may have said that, but Cobra heard his real thoughts.

'What good is a false Dragon Slayer to me, especially one that can be so easily beaten by one of the official guilds? You're pathetic!'

"I'm sorry, did you hear that?", Brain faked apologized as Cobra trembled by his thoughts and then laughed.

"How dare you!", Cobra glared at him, tears in his eyes. "You traitor!" His sight became blurred and he just was able to make the face of his snake out, which looked at him concerned.

"All I ever wanted, my only prayer, was to someday hear the voice of my one true friend. Cobellios!", Cobra reached for his snake, but fell down.

"He's gone." (y/n) was shocked. Furious she turned back to Brain, glaring at him. "How could you do that to him?!"

"He was a member of your guild, a friend and you stabbed him them into the back!", she tried to overcome her sickness and the pain from the fight and tried to get back up.

"With the power I have now in my disposal, I'll have no problem to gather new friends that will much better serve me. Nirvana will make it so.", Brain said back.

(y/n) used all that she had left to sit back up. "You won't make true friends with power and intimidations. All you get will be puppets."

"You shouldn't make such a fuss, after all your power is what I admire of you the most. It would do me good to have a friend like you.", Brain grinned down on her.

The (h/c) haired girl growled in anger and Brain continued amused. "Or to use your words, to have you as my puppet."

And then...

Gray, Lucy, who carried a sick Natsu, and Jura had gone to search for (y/n). It didn't take them long to stumble upon her. "There she is!" "(y/n)!", Lucy and Gray shouted when they saw her getting dragged along the ground by Brain, who stopped, looking at the group, who had just arrived.

"What happened to you?", Lucy wondered shocked about her sick appearance.

"It's moving... I got a bad headache...Ate something I shouldn't..."

"I forgot she had motion sickness too.", Lucy sighed annoyed as Natsu grumbled, leaning on her shoulder.

"Hey guys.", Happy called for them as he laid sick on the ground not able to move. "Please help."

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