Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends

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3rd Reader's Pov

"Max vs Warren. The Winner is Warren. Vejeeter vs Nab. The Winner is Nab. Laki defeats four others. Macao vs Wakaba. In progress...", Happy read the status of the Battle of Tairy Tail.

"Foolish Children, what do they think they're doing?!", Makarov trembled, angered and frustrated.

"They really don't have any choice, but to fight each other.", Happy pointed out. "Those Enchantments are hidden all over town. So, they're impossible to avoid. It's just like Laxus said, this is the Battle of Fairy Tail."

"But why?!", Natsu was as angry as Makarov. "It doesn't make sense!"

"Natsu.", mumbled Happy as he and Makarov looked at him.

"I wanna fight too!", Natsu pushed himself against the invisible wall, trying to get out.

"Is that all?!", Makarov and Happy shouted angry at him.

"Aw, man you suck! Go away invisible wall!", Natsu glared angrily at the exit that he can't cross.

Makarov smacked Natsu's head and questioned him. "Why do you wanna fight your friends?!"

"'Cause there is a tournament to see who's the strongest!", Natsu answered him.

"This is not a tournament!", Makaorv shouted back before he calmed himself. He crossed his arms and looked at Natsu. "It's nothing but a trap. Laxus is playing you like a bunch of pawns."

Then his eyes turned to the stone statues of the girls. "If we can't defeat the Thunder Legion in time, the girls are gonna be smashed to pieces. I know that everyone's trying to keep that from happening, but they're going about it the wrong way."

"If we keep fighting amongst ourselves than the girls are as good as finished. We can't let Laxus win.", continued Makarov.

"Come on, gramps. You don't seriously think he would hurt them, do you?", Natsu asked the master. "I know he can be a real pain sometimes, but he's still one of us. This is obviously a bluff."

"You think so?", Makarov wondered.

"There is a fighting festival going on! Why do I gotta get stuck in this dump?!", Natsu punched the invisible wall, trying to get out again.

"Beats me. I can go through just fine.", happy said flying in and out again.

"Does this mean I'm over eighty and no one ever told me?!", Natsu held his head, freaking out. "'Cause I would know if I would be a stone statue, right?!"

"And here I thought we knew each other, Natsu.", said Happy.

Makarov looked at Natsu in thoughts. 'You still think of Laxus as part of the guild? Even after all this, you don't believe he'd harm his fellow members.'

They looked up when something changed at the enchantment again and Happy read aloud. "Time remaining two more hours and eighteen minutes. Participants remaining forty-two."

"That can't be all that's left.", Makaorv mumbled shocked. "That means more than half the guild has whipped itself out in less than an hour."

Let's check on Gray...

"This sucks!", the Ice Wizard ran through the streets of Magnolia. "Where is the Thunder Legion hiding?!"

"It's Gray!" "What's up, Gray?!", two of Bickslow's dolls had appeared behind Gray and shot magic beams at him.

Gray was able to dodge in time as he entered a clothing store. "Those are Bickslow's sidekicks."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now