What happened six years ago

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3rd Readers Pov

The Fairy Tail archives, where the guilds records are stored....

After the fight between Natsu and Happy, Lucy went to the guild to get some advice from Mira and found her in the archives, standing on a ladder, with a book in her hands.

"Hey Mira, what are you doing up there?", Lucy yelled up to her.

"Just a bit of reorganizing, that's all.", Mira answered Lucy.

"Oh, I can help with that!", Lucy beamed excited, making Mira giggle. "Are you sure you want to?"

"Oh yeah! I'm good with boring stuff."


"And then he just stormed off, what a jerk right?", Lucy told Mira what happened, while Mira were sorting books and papers on a table, Lucy was on the ladder.

"Maybe?", Mira chuckled. "But that makes him so cute."

"You really think so?", questioned Lucy.

"Of course. You're are attracted to Natsu's boy's charm too. Aren't you?"

"What?!", Lucy lost her balance and fell, landing in a pile of books.

"Lucy!", Mira ran to her, checking if everything was ok. "You ok?"

"Yes, sorry about that. I guess ladders aren't my strong point.", Lucy answered and she noticed the Fairy Tail book under her hand, a certain picture catching her eye.

"I found an old painting.", she held it up and looked at it.

"I remember that.", Mira smiled fondly at the painting.

"Is that everyone when they were kids?", Lucy grinned at the kids version of her guild mates.

"It sure is."

"That must be Gray and next to him is definitely (y/n). But who is the one next to them, is that Cana?"

"Yes, the three were actually a team, even though they didn't work together for some time now.", Mira explained to her.

"Really? Wow I never would have guessed that they were a team, but on the other hand they are always sitting together at the guildhall... wait, are those Macao and Wakaba, they look so young.", Lucy looked at those two, who stood behind the three kids.

"Oh, I recognize that spiky hair anywhere.", Lucy commended on Natsu, who was sitting on a blue dragon. "Natsu hasn't changed a bit and what's with the little blue Dragon?"

"That's Happy.", Mira answered her, leaving her surprised. "What?!"

"I don't know if you know about this, but how did Natsu and Happy first met, anyway?", Lucy asked her.

"Let me think, when the picture was taken, I hadn't been a member of Fairy Tail very long, myself. And I think it was about the time this painting was drawn. It's actually one of my favorites", Mira took a drawing and showed it Lucy.

"Waahhh, that's Gray and (y/n)!", Lucy's eyes widened at the picture. Both (y/n) and Gray were kids, pressing their lips on each other.

"Why are they kissing?", Lucy was surprised at that.

Mira chuckled. "Actually they are really embarrassed because of it. Cana tricked them into doing it. Promise me not to tell them or Natsu about the picture, they would just destroy it."

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