Battle of Fairy Tail

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(y/n)'s Pov

It was Harvest festival and the city was in uproar. Everyone was excited, especially for the Fairy Tail fantasia parade.

Gray, Lucy, Juvia, Natsu , Happy and I were walking around town, enjoying the festivities too. Only Natsu wasn't as well, since he was still sick from the ethernano he ate. He and Happy went to some food stalls to get something to eat.

"Natsu still hasn't recovered, huh?", commented Lucy.

"He does seem rather ill, doesn't he.", Juvia agreed with her.

"He will be fine once he eats, trust me.", Gray assured them.

"That's not the first time, after all.", I added.

"You two haven't changed a bit, Gray, (y/n)." By the new voice we turned around to see warren approaching us.

"Hey, Warren. It's been a while.", Gray greeted him.

"Didn't think I'd make it back in time for the festival, but here I am.", he smiled at us.

"And it's good to see you have made it.", I said back.

"This guy takes on so many jobs we hardly ever see him.", Gray told Lucy and Juvia.

"Wow.", commanded Lucy and Juvia introduced herself. "Hello, I'm a new recruit. My name's Juvia."

"Ah, so you're the one I'm hearing about.", Warren said to her.

"Meet Warren Rocko, he's a master of Telepathy Magic.", Gray introduced him.

"It's nice to meet ya.", Warren said to the two girls.

"Thank you. The pleasure is all mine.", Juvia said before she looked around with a smile. "This festival is quite a sight."

"No kidding. What a crowd.", agreed Lucy.

"It's a pretty big deal. People come from all around to see the Fantasia Parade.", warren told them.

"I can't wait to see it myself.", Lucy said smiling brightly.

"You do know you're in the Parade?", I reminded her.

"Wasn't there something else I was supposed to be in?", wondered Lucy. "I forgot all about the Miss Fairy Tail contest! My rent money!", she remembered and ran off.

Juvia glared after Lucy. "A contest? I refuse being outdone by that bimbo!"

"So I guess you'll be entering too.", concluded Gray deadpanned. Juvia didn't answer but ran off too.

"What's with you? Are you entering?", asked Gray me.

"Nah, those aren't really my thing. Not to mention Erza and Mira are entering. I don't even have a chance.", I answered.

"Wait Erza is entering?", Natsu suddenly appeared next to us with food. "You should participate! That's your chance to finally beat Erza!"

"I remind you, it's not me who is obsessed with fighting Erza and second, this isn't even a real fight.", I said back.

"Just go and beat Erza!", Natsu said, clenching his fist with determination. "My sister won't be undone by her!"

I sighed. "Fine, then I guess, I'm entering too..."

And then...

3rd Reader's Pov

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