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Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


3rd Reader's Pov.

"What are you doing?!" "No Lyon!" "Don't !" They yelled at him.

Lyon jumped with racer from the cliff. They were falling until the bomb went off. Gray, (y/n) and Sherrie looking shocked and in unbelieve down at the bright white light of the explosion, not seeing Lyon anywhere.

"Noooo! This isn't happening!", Sherrie kneeled down, crying. "There is no way he's gone."

(y/n) just stood there, angry with herself, that she wasn't fast enough to react. Her fists clenching, she gritted her teeth, she was full of self-blame.

Gray was still looking down, shouting after his old comrade and friend, tears were in his eyes. "LYON!"

Gray, (y/n) and Sherrie stared down the cliff, searching for any trance of Lyon. But there was only a thick cloud of smoke.

Gray gritted his teeth. "Lyon."

(y/n) stepped to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, looking saddened down.

" he...? How could this happen?", Sherrie was in tears.

"He would never give up that easily!", Gray spoke up. "Let's find him!"

Gray stretched his arm out and created an ice slide down. "Come on!", he jumped on the slide, (y/n) following him as Sherrie still fought with her emotions.

"Lyon is gone forever... Somebody's goona pay."


Lucy and Hibiki looked up as they heard a bush rustling, preparing themselves if this would be an attack.

"You missed me?", But it was Natsu who jumped from it. Wendy, Happy and Carla were in his arms.

"Natsu!", Lucy shouted relieved.

"How did you do that anyway? All of a sudden my map pooped into my head.", Natsu turned confused to Hibiki.

"I'll explain it to you later. Is Wendy all right?", Hibiki asked him.

"She is fine.", Natsu laid the three gently down and began to shake Wendy. "Time for you to wake up, kid.I saved you and now you have to save Erza."

"Don't be so rough to her!", Lucy scolded him.

Wendy opener her eyes with a gasp, then she screamed and crawled away from the small group. "I have to do it, sorry.", the girl grabbed her head in guilt.

"I'm willing to overlook that right now.", Natsu bowed in front of her. "Erza was bitten by a magical snake. She's in bad shape, please save her."

Wendy looked at him wide eyed. "She's hurt?" Then she looked to Erza, who was whimpering in pain.

"We need Erza to defeat the Oracion Seis. We don't stand a chance against them without her help.", Hibiki said to the girl.

"Please.", Lucy bowed before Wendy too. "We need her more than ever."

"We're begging you.", Natsu added.

"Yeah, I'll try to save her! No, I will!", Wendy went next to the red head.

Natsu looked up to her with a relieved smile. Meanwhile Wendy's eyes widen in shock when she opened the bandage and saw the poison glowing through her skin.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now