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3rd Reader's Pov

"Thanks to Porlyusicar's help the Master is going to pull through just fine.", Erza said to the guild. They had all recovered from the fight and had gathered in the guild hall.

"So don't worry, he will be back in no time."

At her words the guild began to cheer, celebrating. "Thank goodness. I gotta admit I was kind of worried.", Lucy spoke to Gray and (y/n).

"Come on, it will take more than that to make gramps kick the bucket.", said Gray.

"Well, he isn't as young as he used to be. So any other stress to his heart could scientifically affect his health.", Erza told them. "Let's be on our best behaviour okay."

"Aye, sir!", everyone promised her.

"I don't know if it's a good idea to do the Fantasia parade after all that went down." Lucy spoke up again.

"But master wants us to do it. Besides, it's the perfect way to cheer everyone up after that mess.", Mira walked up to them, behind her was Elfman.

"I can't wait to see what you all have in store for the parade.", Juvia, who sat on the same table commented happily.

"You're gonna be with us, little lady.", Cana said to Juvia. "You're a member, right?", Wakaba and Macao smiled at the Water Wizard.

"Yeah I am.", Juvia held her cheeks in embarrassment and soon she looked down, standing by a pillar as she circled her finger on the wood. "But I'm so new, I didn't think I would be in the parade."

"I was expecting a little more excitement from her.", commanded Wakaba.

"She looks upset.", noted Macao.

"Isn't she the cutest.", said Cana as she drank out of her giant beer glass.

"A lot of members were injured fighting each other, so who can must participate.", Happy said with his mouth stuffed full with fish so that you could barely understand him.

"Does that mean I'm in it too?", Lucy asked with excitement.

"Of course you are.", said (y/n). "We need everyone we can get for it."

"Especially since we are not going to be able to use those two.", Gray pointed to Natsu and Gajeel who were all bandaged up.

"Oh, yeah.", Lucy sweat dropped.

"Screw you and your parade.", Gajeel said annoyed.

Natsu was saying something, but no one could understand him with the bandages. "Do you have any idea what he just said?", Lucy asked into the round.

"Knowing him it was probably something stupid.", Happy answered.

"Do you really think this is a good idea, bro?", (y/n) asked Natsu worried.

"Come on, how are you going be part of the action, you're out?", Gajeel spoke to Natsu.

Natsu said something with a glare and Gajeel looked at him shocked. "That has nothing to do with it bro! What the heck is your problem?!" Meanwhile (y/n) laughed at the two.

"I wonder how Gajeel and (y/n) can understand him.", wondered Lucy.

"Probably because they're as stupid as Natsu.", commented Happy.

"You want me to beat you up Happy?!", (y/n) turned to him with a scary glare and Happy went behind Lucy. "Protect me, Lucy." The blonde just sweat dropped.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now