The Tower of Heaven

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(y/n)'s Pov

We were at the beach of the Akane Resort. Lucy, Happy and Natsu were in the water as Gray and I were playing volleyball and Erza was lying on a towel, sunbathing.

"On it!", Gray shot the volleyball with great force, too much for me, and I stepped aside. The ball hit Erza, who caught it.

"Now you're on!", she smirked evilly at us and shouted at the other three to join us.

After a very exciting volleyball match we played in the sand, burying Gray and giving him a mermaid body, which embarrassed him very much.

After that was swimming time which ended in a race between Gray and Natsu and Natsu stealing Gray's swimming shorts.

"Give me back my bathing suit!", Gray yelled at Natsu as he hid himself with Happy.

"No way, man!", Natsu said back with the shorts in hand.

Happy was whining and Lucy commented. "I don't think Happy likes being used as a cover up."

As I laughed at them I recognized a familiar smell and turned around to see Juvia hiding behind a palm tree. I sweat dropped.


After a very fun day at the beach Lucy, the boys and I decided to go to the casino tonight. Lucy and I were dressed up already and were now going to pick up Erza. Lucy wore a long, elegant red dress as I picked my favorite (f/c) dress.

Lucy knocked and opened the door. "Erza, get out of the room and come have some fun."

"Natsu and Gray are already downstairs. Wanna join them and play some games?", I added.

"That's right. There is a casino here.", Erza changed herself into a dress and pinned up her hair.

"So, how do I look?", Erza asked us about her violet dress with red flowers on it.

"You look great. Maybe a little on the glitzy side, but whatever.", Lucy commended with a deadpanned expression.

"Come on, let's go!", I hushed the two.

Downstairs at the casino I separated myself from the girls and looked for the guys. I saw Natsu and Happy at a gambling machine and laughed as they didn't get their number. Then I spotted Gray by a poker table and went to him.

"Mind if I join?", I asked him.

He looked up and his cheeks turned a light red. "Not at all. You look great."

"Thanks." I smiled and sat down next to him. "How are your cards?", I asked and watched him play.

"Gray my darling." We looked up as we heard the voice and saw Juvia. She wore a dark blue dress and a very big golden Fairy Tail necklace.

"I'm Juvia, do you remember me?"

"Yeah, you're that chick from Phantom.", Gray recognised her.

And so we three went to a bar, talking. "I heard Phantom was disbanded. That had to be though on you.", said Gray.

"Yes, but now I'm a free wizard and I can join any guild I want.", she told us, or better him.

"And I guess you want to join Fairy Tail?", I asked, pointing at her necklace.

"Oh yes, very much.", she answered nervously.

"I don't know after everything that went down.", Gray said critical and I hit his shoulder. "Don't be so mean."

"I don't mean that I personally mind, but who knows what the master will say.", Gray pointed out.

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