A Guild for One

856 19 2

Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


(y/n)'s Pov.

I stared up the giant Lacrima that I needed to destroy. It wasn't only really big it was also very high up. 'So, how will I destroy it?", I wondered, but soon an idea popped up in my head.

Getting into stance, I inhaled a lot of air. "Ice Dragon Roar!" Using my ice breath I froze the Lacrima. "Now I only needed to crush it when it's time."

I waited, until it was time. "NOW!", jumping up to the Lacrima I reached my fist back. "Ice Dragon Crushing Fist!", The Ice Claws crew on my hand and I destroyed the Lacrima swiftly and landed back on the ground.

Straightening up, I waited. 'Did Natsu beat Zero? Were the others able to destroy their Lacrima?'My answer was, when suddenly everything around me began shaking and rubble was falling down.

"Better get going", I froze the ground and began to skate out, trying to get out before I was buried underneath.


Getting outside just in time, I followed my nose and found the others. Erza, Gray, Lucy, Happy and a buffed up Ichiya were standing on a little clearing.

"Guys!", I waved at them with a smile and they looked up.

"Oh, it's (y/n).", noted Lucy.

"It's good to see you made it out just fine.", Gray smiled relieved.

"The same goes for you.", I said back.

"Hey guys!", they noticed Wendy, Carla and Jura running to them.

"Thank goodness everyone's alright", said Jura.

"Even that silly blue dumb cat.", noted Carla.

Wendy looked around herself. "Where are Natsu and Jellal? Are they here?", asked Wendy.

"I don't see them.", noted Jura.

"Could they both be still inside.", suggested Ichiya.

"I hope not.", Wendy said concerned.

"Now, I'm worried.", spoke Lucy.

"He's probably lost in the woods, knowing that flame for brain.", Gray calmed them.

"Wait, did you just say Jellal?", my eyes widened shocked. "He's here? How?"

Before I get an answer Happy interrupted, when he was raised up as Natsu came out of the ground. He and Jellal were carried by Hoteye, who appeared out of the ground.

"Love drives us to save our friends, oh-yeah!"

"There he is.", Gray smiled. "Always with the dramatic entrances."

I just smiled relieved, even though Jellal's presence made me confused and worried. Not to mention that I had a new question now. "And what is he doing here?", I pointed at Hoteye.

As some, including me, still didn't know that Hoteye, who's name is actually Richard, had turned good, Jura explained us the situation, lifting our confusion.

"Natsu!", Meanwhile Wendy ran into Natsu's arms happy to see him fine. "You kept your promise, you're the greatest. I can't thank you enough."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now