A Flower Blooms in the Rain

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Hey, you may have noticed the title of the chapter and realized that Juvia will now appear in this ff. So I wanted to make an A/N where I will explain to you what I have planned to do with Juvia. I really want to make my A/N's short but I don't know if it's possible with this one. So if you want to be surprised or are just not interested skip it. But I thought that some may be interested about what role Juvia will play.

First of all she won't be out of character. I really like Juvia so I never could make her a real bitch. So if she is out of character, then only because I couldn't grasp her in that moment. All in all she still will have a crush on Gray and she will see you as a love rival, but she won't be bullying you and put you down.

Next thing, Gray will, like in the actually story, be creeped out by her, only that in the end he won't return her feelings with time, but he will naturally end up with you, but it will take it's time. It's a slow romance after all.

There will be no cheating. Still, there will be jealousy for both you and Gray, to help both of you realize your feelings for each other.

Juvia won't be chasing after Gray forever. So when the time comes, she will let go of Gray. Probably I will make it that she never really felt true love, more like that she only had a crush on him and she realizes it.

Finally, I will naturally give a lot of Juvia's moments she has with Gray to you. Because it's a ff about Gray and you, so you should get the spotlight.

That was all and I hope you got a better understanding of what I plan to do.

Have fun reading, bye bye ^^


(y/n)'s Pov

We were now inside the Phantom Lord guild hall and looked around for Natsu, the canon's control room or any Phantom Lord member.

I used my dragon nose to follow Natsus scent, hoping that he was on his way to destroy the canon, since I sensed him somewhere with a lot of magic energy.

'Time is running out, please let Natsu have found a way to stop Jupiter.'

As the time ran out there was a loud boom, but it came from this building, not from outside where Fairy Tail was. I sighed in relief, knowing that Natsu did it.

Suddenly the building began to move and I became dizzy as I was shaken by it. My legs were wobbly and I fell on my knees.

"(y/n)!", Gray, who had followed me with Elfman, now kneeled next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just my motion sickness. But that won't stop me.", I stood back up

"Are you sure you can stand?", Gray asked me worriedly.

"It's not about if I can, I must for the guild.", I said back and began to walk forwards, fighting the dizziness I felt.

"(y/n) is a real man.", commented Elfman on my actions

Gray gave him a deadpanned expression and went to me. "At least let me help you.", he said while putting my arm around his shoulders to support me.

"Thanks, Gray.", I said to him with a weak smile and we continued our way to find Natsu.

We looked up when we heard Jose's voice boom from the speakers. "Kneel before me you detestable brats. Or you fall victim to my wrath. Save your last moments because soon I will end your pathetic little lives."

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