(y/n) vs. Cobra

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Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


(y/n)'s Pov...

I felt the wind surrounding me as I was falling, when I suddenly got halted. I looked up, seeing that Happy had caught me.

"Happy!", I smiled relieved when I saw my brother's partner with his wings out. Happy smiled back at me and I added. "Thanks, you saved me!"


"Awesome catch!", Lucy shouted at the cat, while Gray sighed relieved. "You gave me nearly a heart attack."

"Wow Happy, that's totally awesome." Natsu said to him, before he needed to put his hands before his mouth, trying to prevent himself from puking.

Happy flew me to Gray and Lucy, the later holding Natsu, so that he won't fall off again. "Take it all the way to the top guys! We're gonna head to the top and check out things on the inside!", Gray told us.

"Right!", I shouted back and Happy flew me up.

"You know, when I think back, we never partnered up, Happy.", I thought aloud. "I think it was about time."

"Aye!", Happy agreed. "And lucky for me you aren't as heavy as Lucy."

"Just be lucky that she couldn't hear you right now." I got a deadpanned expression, but soon it changed to a stunned one, when I saw the city on top. "Wow."

"It's a city.", Happy pointed out the obvious.

I caught something with her nose, my face becoming stern. "I can smell him."

"Who are you talking about?", asked Happy.

"The leader of the Oracion Seis.", I answered. "That guy?", Happy was worried.

"Are you ready, Happy?", I asked now the cat, who nodded determined. "Yeah."


We arrived, seeing Brain and Cobra from a distance, the leader of the Oracion Seis activating Nirvana.

With a nose-dive Happy brought me down, as I activated my Ice Dragon Crushing Fists. "I'm going to put the brakes on that thing!"

I punched the magic control and shattered it in pieces, as Happy pulled me back up into the air.

"No, the ice dragon.", Brain hissed.

"Ice Dragon Roar!", with my ice breath, I aimed at Brain who protected himself with a magical shield. "Stop that girl at once, Cobra!", Brain ordered his comrade.

"I hear ya. Cobellius!", Cobra let his snake attack, but Happy reacted faster, flying me out of the way, before he made a curve, flying back at Cobra and I counterattacked. "Ice Dragon Wing Attack!"

Sharp, ice feathers were raining down on him, but Cobra just dodged and then kicked me away. The force of me being pushed, pulled Happy with me and he used all the strength he had to stop us from spinning.

"Nice safe, thanks.", I complimented Happy, who still concentrated to hold me. "Aye..."

"Damn it!", I hissed now while starring angry at Cobra. "I'm pissed now!" I wanted to use my Dragon Roar at him, but this time Cora was faster and kicked me again.

"Shit!", I turned back to Cobra only to be met with giant wing coming from his snakes back. The snake was in the air, in front of us, as Cobra stood on it. My eyes widened as Happy gave a short scared scream.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now