Just do whatever!

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A/N: Hey guys,

I only want to warn you that I shortened the next two episodes and put them in one chapter. Like I said I just can't write every episode in detail and I want to concentrate on the Reader and Gray.

Have fun reading the next chapter, bye bye! ^^


Gray's POV

"What's the matter, don't tell me you have given up that easily?", I heard the voice of my master.

"Get up, Gray!... Get up Gray!"

"Get up, Gray.", the voice changed and slowly I opened my eyes to see the worried face of (y/n), behind her was Natsu still caught in the ice globe.

"Man you look rough.", he commended. "He beat you to a pulp, huh?"

"How do you feel?", (y/n) slowly helped me up.

"I'm fine.", I reassured her, not feeling fine at all and turned to her brother. "Natsu, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't remember how to get to the village. So I climbed back up to look for it.", he explained and then added. "I see it now, so come and let's go!"

(y/n) pulled me up and supported me. "Wait, I can walk.", I pushed her to the side.

"What's with Lyon?", I asked her and tried to get my balance.

"After he beat you unconscious he left. I was too worried about you to follow him. As I tried to wake you up Natsu came.", (y/n) explained to me and I felt my legs giving up under me.

(y/n) caught me before I could hit the ground. "Hold on to me, I'll help you.", she said to me, while she laid my arm around her shoulder to steady me.

"Are you ready yet? We need to hurry and get to the village before they do.", Natsu said to us with a serious expression.

In that moment I remembered how Ur didn't want me go after Deliora, how she didn't believe in me and I remembered how I tried to stop Natsu to get on the s-class quest, not believing in him too. And now he was there, in this ice globe and still fighting, while I was beat.

"Hey.", I called to him.

"Yeah?", he turned to me while we walked to the village.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't believe in you.", I clenched my teeth. "I'm no better" I felt how tears rolled down my cheeks and we stopped on the way.

"Hey (y/n), I'm sorry that I didn't let you help... It's your fight too and-"

"Ssh.", she stopped me from talking more. "I understand why you did it."

"No, I-", now I got interrupted by an angry Natsu.

"QUIT FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF, CAUSE YOU LOST A FIGHT! YOU'RE A MEMBER OF FAIRY TAIL!... And we don't give up when times are tough, so just put it behind you and keep moving forward!"

I looked at his back, when he started to run in the direction of the village again. Gray and me followed close behind. His words made me think...

And then...

(y/n)'s POV

"Hey guys, are you ok?!", Natsu yelled at Lucy and the villagers when we arrived at the village. I was with Gray, who fell unconscious again during our walk.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now