A star removed from the sky

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A/N: Hey guys,

Sorry that it took me so long to update. And I also apologize that I won't be able to update until February. The winter term is slowly ending and I need to do a lot for my studies.

The ending of the term and my exams will be at the begin of February and after that I will update regularly again.

I hope you understand and I hope you all had a good start into the New Year.

With that, bye bye ^^


(y/n)'s Pov

We got a job to beat some bandits who were hiding at Fort term, in the West of Magnolia.

Lucy had summoned Taurus and he beat up some bad guys. "That was great, look at you go.", Lucy cheered and gave a High Five to Taurus.

"Mooh, you got some mooves of your own.", he complimented, starring at her body with hearts in his eyes.

Natsu crashed one of the guys into the wall. "Man, these guys don't put up much of a fight."

"So, who did you you losers steal from? Old ladies and little kids?", Gray questioned one and used his head as a doormat.

I kicked one in the stomach. "That was boring."

"Don't act like this is over. You will be sorry, just you wait!", one threatened us. Which wasn't very intimidating, since everyone around us was lying beaten on the floor.

"Yeah, Lord Devon will make you pay.", another said.

"We beat up that jerk a long time ago.", Happy told them with a smug face.

"I'm all finished upstairs.", Erza said as she was walking down to us.

"Sweet! Nice work, Eza.", Lucy showed her a thumbs up.

A guy got up, wanting to run away. But Erza was faster. "Get back here!", she kicked him down.

She tugged her boots into his ass. "Unfortunately, you still haven't learned your lesson.", she glared down on him.

"I've been bad! Please, teach me a lesson too, Mistress Erza!", Tauraus shouted with blushed cheeks, but soon he disappeared as Lucy sent him back. "Here you go, bye."

After we finished, we went outside of their hideout. "That was a waste. I hoped they would be a challenge.", commented Erza.

"I wanna fight some more!", Natsu clenched his fist in frustration.

"I know how you feel, but save it for the next job.", Gray said to him and I chuckled.

"Check out the gem I got. Pretty cool, don't ya think?", Happy said proudly, holding up a diamond.

Lucy's eyes widened, shocked. "Stealing from thieves is still stealing!"

"Hey, isn't that Loke.", Happy changed the topic and pointed out said boy standing a little in the distance.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now