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A/N: Hey guys,

I just wanted to warn you that this will be a really long chapter and even after they get to know who changed with whom, I will put the name of the body to what they said and not the person who is in it.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter, because Changeling is my favorite episode. I just love episodes where the characters changes bodies. I don't know why I enjoy them so much but I can't stop laughing when watching them.

And thanks for the likes I got. I really appreciate it.

With that said, bye, bye ^^


3rd Readers Pov

The Kingdom of Fiore. A peaceful nation of seventeen million. And a place filled with magic. However submitted by your approval a type of magic that's particularly eerie, a spell that may cause the mind of you, our dear readers to leave your body and be transported to this far away magical realm. Don't panic...

"Is Master Makarov here?", Erza kicked open the doors to the guild hall, anger was heard in her voice.

"You're finally back from your island getaway.", Mira greeted them, stepping closer. "So how was it? Did you guys have fun?"

"It was work not a vacation.", answered Erza.

"Ah Mira Jane, I wouldn't joke with her right now.", Lucy warned her.

"Where is Makarov?!"

"He went out of town for some kind of last minute council meeting or something like that.", Macao answered Erza. "He's been gone since yesterday."

The five guilty wizards sighed in relief. "Well that was a close one.", Natsu smiled relieved.

"Yes, we won't have to deal with that punishment until gramps gets back.", Gray clenched his fist in victory.

"Seems like we were lucky.", said (y/n), glad that they still got some time left.

"Oh thank goodness! I'm afraid to face death! I still have to eat more fish!", Happy cried in relief.

"I can't stand it anymore! You guys are really freaking me out! I don't want to die young! I still have much to look forward to!", Lucy pulled her hair in worry.

"All of you shut up!", Erza yelled at them and they hugged each other in fear.

"Do you know when the master is planning to return?", she turned back to Mira.

"No, but I would imagine he will come back any time now.", the white haired girl answered her.

"Now listen up you fools!", Erza spoke to the five. "You're not getting off the hook. You broke guild rules by taking that s-class quest and you, (y/n), by helping them. Prepare to be punished!"

Gray, Natsu and (y/n) hugged each other again, while Lucy flipped out. "How can I prepare myself if I don't know what's gonna happen!"

"Well, it was nice knowing ya.", Wakaba said to them and then spoke to himself, but everyone could hear it. "It's a crying shame. Those two boys are one thing, but I can't believe the girls are getting punished too. Oh you poor girls."

"Don't scare me even more!", (y/n) shouted at him.

"You poor girls?", Lucy wondered, scared.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now