A Fairy Tail Wizard

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10 years later...

(y/n)'s POV

I was sitting at a table with my best friend Gray and discussed our last mission with him, when suddenly the door to the guild hall opened with a crash. Natsu and Happy where standing there in the doorway and both made sure to get everyone's attention.

"We made it back alive!"

"We're home!"

"Yo!!" "Welcome back!" "What's up!" "Welcome back!" "Hey!" "What's up!" "Welcome back!"

The whole guild greeted them back and they entered. Behind them was a blonde girl who smiled excitedly. A dark haired guy with buck teeth, I forgot his name, talked to Natsu.

"There you go makin' trouble again! You half destroyed Harge-" Natsu cut him off with a kick that sent him flying a few feet away.

"Why? That info about the salamander was a lie, wasn't it?"

"How would I know? I just told you some rumors that've been going around!

"What'd you say?!

"You wanna go?", the guy challenged Natsu and with that the fight began.

Happy tried to calm them down, "Now, now, Natsu This isn't something to get-", and was cut off, when he got pushed into a table.

Even though the fight got more intense, the blonde said that she was amazed to stand in the Fairy Tail guild hall or something like that. I didn't really listen because Gray, who sat beside me silently the whole time since Natsu came back, was now standing up and facing the fight.

"So Natsu finally made it back, huh? It's time to settle things once and for all!", he said as he angryly stomped towards Natsu.

"Gray your clothes!", I shouted after him.

"I don't have time for that!", he yelled back and I practically face palmed.

"He will never stop his habit of taking off his clothes, will he?", said Cana, one of my best friends, who was sitting at the bar and drank from one of her barrels. I chuckled at her statement and saw how Elfman suddenly appeared behind the blonde newbie.

"All this crying and whining before noon? What a bunch of babies!", he said boldly and was soon knocked out by Natsu and Gray.

"Geeze, it's so noisy around here, huh?" I turned around to see Loke with two girls in his arms. Typical, he's always such a flirt. "I'm gonna mix it up, just for you two!"

"Good luck, Loke!", both of the girls cheered him on.

I saw how Mira approached the new girl, but before she could properly talk to her, she got knocked off her feet by her brother Elfman, who landed on her when someone sent him flying. The blonde girl looked totally helpless and tried to wake Mira up, but was soon pushed to the ground when Gray crashed into her. He stands up and shouts angryly.

"Give me back my underwear, jerk!"

I saw Natsu with Gray's boxers, swinging them above his head. This was my Que. With a sigh I got up and went over to Natsu, grabbed the underwear, and sent Natsu flying. Then I made my way to Gray, who was with the blonde.

"Miss, would you be so kind as to lend me your under-"

"Gray, never ask a girl about her underwear!" I scolded him angrily and send him flying, just like Natsu.

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