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(y/n)'s POV

I was sitting at the bar with Gray and Cana and listened to Shadow Gears conversation about a taken quest.

"Ach darn, did someone take that 200,000 jewel job for some book?", Levy complained as she stood infront of the request board.

"Sorry, I guess Natsu and Lucy got to it first.", Mira explained and my ears picked up. It was about time that the knucklehead finds himself a partner, besides Happy.

"It might be better that you didn't go, Levy."

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Since I just got a message from the client."

"It's been canceled?", Mira asked curiously.

"No. It seems the reward has been upped to 2 Million jewel!"

"It's sound like this job just got interesting." Gray smiled and I looked at him confusedly.

"Uhm Gray, nice skivvies.", Mira pointed out Gray's lack of clothes once again.


I stopped Grays turmoil and without any words I gave him some spare clothes, which I always have with me for these kind of situations.

"Ah, thanks (y/n). What do ya say, want to come on a job with me?"

I thought about it. It's seemed like a good idea. I could use some money. "Yeah, it's been a while since we took a job together. Hey Cana, are you coming too? Just like the good old days."

"Nah, I think I'll pass. I still have enough jewels. Maybe another time." I nodded in understanding and Cana went back to her drinking.

Me and Gray went to the quest board, to find a suitable job for us and as luck would have it, it didn't take us long to find one. There was a group of thieves, who terrorized the town of Tulipa. The reward was 600,000 Jewels. We went to the master to ask for his permission and when we got it we went out to do the job.

And then...

The job wasn't really hard and we could stop the thieves quickly, even without our magic, so we went to make our way back home. At a town near Magnolia, we made a rest and went to grab something to eat at a nice café. We talked a lot, but stopped when suddenly the name of a certain wizzard reached our ears. The ones who were talking about that certain wizard, were three men at the table next to us.

"Yeah, I was at the village, where she took a job and finished it perfectly like always. She'll still stay there for a feast, but she will return to Magnolia soon."

"Maybe we will see her on her way back. That would be awesome!"

"Yes, I really want to see her. I heard she is really pretty."

Gray and I sent each other a knowing look. We paid for our food and went back home, as fast as we could. We certainly needed to warn the others, that she will be back soon. So when Gray said he knew a shortcut through the woods, we decided to take it, so that we could arrive at home as soon as possible.

We were already near Magnolia, when we heard some voices nearing our location. Gray and me hid in some bushes, waiting for the people to arrive. They came closer and suddenly...

"Who is there?"

A force attacked Gray and they jumped into the air, ready to fight. At that moment I saw the all too familiar, pink, spiky hair. Natsu.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now