From Pegasus to Fairies

633 18 3

Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


3rd Readers Pov.

"Oh man, he looks bad.", Lucy commanded on Jura's unconscious form.

"Hang in there pops, we get help for ya.", Gray assured him and themselves.

"What are we gonna do?", wondered Happy worried.

"Ridiculous!" The Fairy Tail Wizards jumped up by the new, scary voice. "Brain is such a fool, he used the last of his power to lay down a trap, yet only one of you fell victim."

"Who are you?!", Gray questioned, looking around for the owner of the voice.

"Over there!", Happy pointed into the direction, a shadow hiding itself into the smoke.

"He was a pitiful leader. A disgrace to the six demons.", the mysterious voice came closer as the wielder stepped forwards, revealing to be the staff of Brain. The Fairy Tail Wizards eyes widened at the surprise.

"But our goal hasn't fallen out of reach. As long as Midnight stands, we shall be victorious. Since he's busy at the moment there is nothing keeping me from disposing of you myself."

"That cane is talking to me!", Happy freaked out.

"As a talking cat I wouldn't think you wouldn't find that all surprising.", Lucy said to him.

"I guess.", Happy said back.

The staff began to laugh evilly as they still were stunned to see it alive.

"That's crazy. It's the staff Brain was carrying around.", gasped Gray.

"I don't know if I should be scared, or laughing.", said (y/n) with an awkward smile.

"Okay, I'm scared.", declared Lucy.

The staff continued it's laughing until Natsu had enough of it and grabbed it, hitting it on the ground again and again. "Would you knock off that creepy laughing?! I already got a hurting head! Stop it right now, you piece of rotting driftwood!"

"How dare you insult my family legacy! I come from a proud line of cedar! So show some respect!", the staff shouted back and freed itself from his grip.

"Before you is the seventh member of the Oracion Seis. Emerged from his slumber to destroy you all-"

Natsu cut it off, hitting it against the ground again. "I heard just about enough outta you!"

"Hold on, I thought there were only six members of the Oracion Seis.", Lucy pointed out.

"You're right for once, that doesn't make sense.", agreed Happy.

"I know and don't think I didn't hear you hinted that I'm stupid, fleabag.", Lucy looked at him deadpanned.

"Who cares, whatever the numbers might be, a talking cane is talking about kicking our butts.", spoke Gray up.

"On the bright side it can't really kick our butts, since it has no feet.", Happy said back.

While they talked the staff freed itself from Natsu. "It won't be long until their reached guild is on our sight and then we start to cleanse the world."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now