Dead Grand Prix

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Ps.: This chapter isn't corrected yet.


3rd Reader's Pov.

Gray's and (y/n)'s standoff with Racer, the lightning fast member of the Oracion Seis is about to irrupt into a violent battle.

Racer smirked and raised his arm. "Let's kick it in the Over Drive! Dead Grand Prix!" He lowered his arm again and sounds of many engines were heard, as light bulbs shined at them.

"What is that sound?", wondered Gray.

(y/n)'s face grew pale. "That doesn't sound good."

A lot of magic cycles were running down at them and they jumped around, trying not to get hit by the vehicles.

'How many of them are there. I've got to pull it together, before we get ripped apart.' Gray thought, trying to come up with an idea. He glanced to (y/n) who struggled even more with the vehicles.

"Enjoy my motor show?!", Racer had his own in red and hit the two with it, sending them into the air. This didn't look good for the two Fairy Tail Wizards.

"You're kidding, you actually can ride these?!", (y/n) was all pale just by the thought of it as she still was lying on the ground, while Gray was back at his feet.

"These sleek wonders are almost as I am.", Racer said back. "Slowpoke's can't handle them."

"That sounds like a challenge to me.", Gray said with a determined grin. And when a circled passed him, he jumped on it, putting the SE plug on and taking control.

"Not bad.", Racer commanded on him getting control over a magic cycle.

"Come on, (y/n)!", he grabbed the (h/c) haired girl's arm and pulled her up behind him.

"Bad Idea, Gray.", (y/n) groaned as her head began spinning from the motion sickness.

"Just hold on tight, I do the rest.", he said back to her and she slung her arms around him, like told. Meanwhile Gray was a little concerned. 'With (y/n)'s motion sickness, this will be harder, especially since my magic energy is getting zapped by the SE plug.'

"You and me! Let's go!", Gray challenged Racer and followed the black wizard, who was driving through the woods.

"You wanna race me?! You don't stand a chance!", Racer shouted back to Gray who was closing on him. "Underestimate me and you will be eating my dust, buddy!"

"Nice, gotta say for a member of a pathetically weak guild you got some sharp instincts.", Racer complimented him.

Gray was ticked off. "What?! That's it, now I'm angry! Ice Make Lance!", Gray attacked him, pushing him over the cliff.

"Maybe they're not as sharp as I thought!" Racer didn't seem faced that much and Gray followed him. "I'm still right on your tail, man!"

They both were falling down, but were able to hold their balance by landing and continued their race. But for (y/n) all of it was a torture and she wasn't even able to follow what was happening as everything in her head was spinning.

"My turn! Have fun trying to dodge this Fairies! High Side Rush!" Racer sent spinning tires at them and Gray maneuvered his bike, so that he was sliding sideways, trying to dodge the incoming tires. When the attack was over, he moved the bike back into position and tried to catch back up with Racer.

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