Ice against Speed

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A/N: Hey guys,

First, I'm terribly sorry that you had to wait for almost four months for me to finally update again. Even with my issues, that I still haven't solved, I never wanted it to take so long. But the last months passed like nothing for me and now I feel really bad, especially since I already got some messages, asking if I discontinued my stories. And no, I will not. I plan to finish all my stories.

Now, because of my terrible time management, I will try to update a bunch of chapters in the next weeks. I'm really, really sorry.

With that said I hope, even with the situation of COVID-19, you are all doing great. It's a hard time for all of us and I wish the best for all of you. ^^


(y/n)'s Pov.

Natsu, Gray and I were standing back to back, looking at the wizards of Naked Mummy who surrounded us.

"Hey bro, I got a great idea, let's just show these guys how terrifying Naked Mummy can be, what do you say?"

"That's sounds fun. Good idea, but I'm afraid they won't even know what hit them, cause it will be over so quickly."

"So you're thinking what I'm thinking, about showing those how scary Naked Mummy can be-"

"Let's teach these guys a lesson!" And so the leaders gave the order of attack.

"These clowns really need to do a lot more for their comedy routine.", commented Natsu.

"Yeah, the whole bro act is kind of a stretch to me.", Gray agreed.

"It's tiring.", I added.

After that we all jumped away before the blasts from the enemies could hit us. And without needing to converse, we divided the whole guild in three parts.

While Natsu and Gray defeated the guys in their parts with their fire and ice magic, I used my Ice Naginata and cut my opponents down.

"They are tougher then they look. What do you think we should do?", one of the leaders of Naked Mummy asked the other.

"I thought we already talked about this, or didn't we bro?"

"But they're a lot tougher then they look aren't they?"

And so they sent more against us and we three continued our fight until everyone was lying beaten on the ground.

We panted as we tried to get our breath back. "Oh man, that was a work out.", Natsu wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I thought it would be a lot easier."

"They put up one heck of a fight for sure.", Gray agreed with him.

"Damn, I haven't been this tired after a work out in years.", (y/n) commented.

"What kind of idiot thinks taking on an entire guild would be a walk in the park!", Carla peeked out from behind a tree, where she hid during the fight. "You were outnumbered twenty to one at least."

Natsu ignored her and went to the smarter one of the leaders, pulling him up by the shirt. "All right, you big dummy! Tell me where you guy's hideout is!"

"I ain't telling you squad.", the guy chuckled, making Natsu even more angry and my brother clashed his head down on the guy's, knocking him out.

And so Natsu went to the next one. "How about you?!"

"The boy is so reckless.", commented Carla, who stepped next to me as I grinned with a sweat drop rolling down. "Oh, that's not just him. It's like that in Fairy Tail. Even if my brother may be the biggest idiot of us all."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now