Enter the Oración Seis!

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(y/n)'s Pov.

"Hi, I..um.. I'm sorry I got here so late. I've come from the Cait Shelter guild. My name is Wendy. It's nice to meet all of you."

We all looked at the small girl, stunned, until Jura spoke up again. "Now then, since all guilds are present, we can begin."

"He's not even faced by this?!", Gray was shocked.

"Obviously not.", Lyon said to him.

"What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking, bringing a little girl in this kind of mission?", questioned Sherry. "They must be really short on members if they send her alone."

"She isn't alone."

We looked up at the new voice, to see a small white cat, like Happy, entering. Happy' eyes widened and he blushed as he saw the female cat.

"What is this?" "A cat." "Wow, she is just like Happy." "She can talk too?"

"Oh, Carla, you followed me here?", Wendy asked the cat.

"Of course I did, you are far too young to travel unaccompanied, child.", The cat called Carla answered.

"Pretty kitty.", the Trimens commented while sparkling.

"You flirt with cats too?!", Lucy yelled shocked.

Meanwhile Carla glanced at Happy as she felt his stare. Happy's eyes turned to hearts as he fell in love, but Carla seemed not interested and looked away, giving him the cold shoulder.

Still, he went to Lucy, getting her attention. "Lucy, I'll give you my fish if you tell that vision of beauty I haven't been nurtured yet."

"Keep looking up my skirt and you will be.", Lucy threatened and then got a mischievous look on her face.

The blonde leaned down to Happy and teased. "You love her~"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched them while Happy was insulted. "That's my stick, copycat!"

"Sorry, I'm probably not what you expected.", Wendy caught our attention.

"I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you and I may not be much of a fighter, but I can use all kind of support magic. So please, let me join the group. I would be so embarrassed if you sent me home."

Wendy was whining and everyone was just speechless, while Carla scolded her. "You never gain their respect if you don't show confidence, child."

"I'm sorry, Carla."

"Forgive me.", Erza spoke up, stepping up to the girl. "I was caught off guard, but rest assured, no offense was meant. We're glad to have you on board, Wendy."

That brought Wendy to smile. "Oh wow, you're Erza, right? I can't believe it's really you."

"You're not quite the monster I pictured." Carla commented on the red head.

"Surely, you heard of Happy the Catmander.", Happy appeared next to her. "Brace yourself, because he's right here."

Carla turned her back to him, unimpressed, and Happy didn't get the signs at all. "She likes me! This must be destiny!"

"Destiny to be rejected, she is totally ignoring you.", Lucy said back.

"Comments like that proof you know nothing about women and their wild ways.", by Happy's words a dark aura surrounded Lucy. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm a woman."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now