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(y/n)'s Pov

We looked up at the tower as the boat drifted away from the island. Suddenly a bright light shone between the clouds, directly onto the tower. The waves became stronger and I groaned as my headache got worse.

"What's that bright light?", Lucy asked, scared.

"Gotta be the Etherion.", said Wally.

"It's heading straight for the tower!", Happy yelled panicked.

"NATSU!", I shouted, ignoring my motion Sickness. "ERZA!", yelled Gray.

Horrified we watched the beam of light crash down on the tower. We couldn't see the tower anymore because of the brightness. The hit of the intense magical power of the Etherion canon caused the sea to get wild, a giant wave coming at us.

We screamed when it threw us out of the boat. Luckily, Juvia had awakened and caught us in one of her Water Lock Bubbles.

The light soon disappeared and the sea became calmer. We stared in the direction where the tower should be and only saw smoke rising up, making it impossible to see if it was still there.

"What's happening?", asked Lucy.

"Oh no. Did we lose them..?", Happy was in tears.

Slowly, the smoke began to lift and we all gasped at the sight. "A crystal?", questioned Happy.

"No, not a crystal. That's a Lacrima.", answered Gray. Before them was the tower with a new appearance as it was one giant Lacrima.

"So, you think they are okay?", Lucy was worried. "Maybe they survived the blast and they're still inside."

"I really hope that's the case.", I said, starring at the Lacrima. I couldn't help the bad feeling I got from seeing it.


"That giant Lacrima is the R-System?", wondered Gray after hearing what Wally had told us.

"Yeah, this is the first time I see it in action. But I think that's what Jellal was talking about.", affirmed Wally.

"Meow, it's has been activated.", said Millianna.

"What the heck does that mean?! Are you saying Zeref is about to be resurrected?!", asked Lucy shocked.

"We don't know.", answered Sho. "We may have helped Jellal build it, but we've never seen it activated before."

"And now Natsu and Erza are trapped inside that thing.", spoke Gray.

"That's right. Along with Simon and Jellal.", added Sho.

"You think Natsu and Erza are okay in there?", wondered Lucy.

"We can't stop having faith that they will pull through. We need to believe in them.", I said to them, but it was more to reassure me then them.

"They gonna be fine I know it.", Happy spoke up now. "They are two of Fairy Tail's strongest Wizards. They can handle this."

"He's right. And like (y/n) said, since we can't help them, we just need to have faith that they're gonna make it out of this.", said Gray.

Time passed as we stared at the giant Lacrima, when suddenly we heard explosions, crystals breaking down from the Lacrima and smoke rising up.

"What in the world is going on?", questioned Sho.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now