Natsu vs Erza

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A/N: Hey guys,

I'm really sorry to say, but this chapter won't be so long. I just put it in for more explanation of the reader's status in the guild. Don't get me wrong. I love this episode, I love every episode on Fairy Tail, but I just can't write every episode in detail. And this is a chapter I can shorten without too many problems. Maybe when I'm finished with this story I will extend it, but not for now.

With that said, bye, bye ^^


(y/n)'s POV

I was waiting nervously. The other guild members were all gathered before the guild, everyone excited about the fight that was about to take place. I wasn't that excited though, I was more worried than anything.

Erza and Natsu were standing in front of each other, the guild surrounding them, when suddenly Lucy appeared, pushing the guys next to me out of the way. Gray was behind her, since I asked him to get her. I had a feeling that she already forgot about it.

"Now way, they are really gonna go through with it?", she yelled in surprise.

"Oh, hey Lucy.", Mira greeted her happily.

"Well if those two value their manhood, then they better go through with it", Elfman declared, answering Lucy's question.

I sweat dropped at his response and Mira cut in. "Erza isn't a man."

"But you gotta admit she is manly.", said Macao

"Aren't you worried this fight could tear our strongest team apart?", Lucy asked in worry.

"What are you talking about?" "Our strongest team?", Gray and I were confused.

"You two, Natsu and Erza, you dummy. You are the four strongest wizards in the guild."

"We are?", now I was even more confused.

"Yeah right, which idiot fed you that line", commended Gray. That caused Mira to cry. So she was the one, I should have thought of that.

"Oh, you're not an idiot, Mira.", Gray was unsettled and tried to lighten her up, without success.

I went to her and comforted her. "Gray didn't mean that." I turned to the said one. "You really don't know much about us girls, huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!", he yelled confused.

"I hand it to Natsu and Gray that they're tuff little dudes, but neither of them are even close to being the strongest. There are guys in Fairy Tail who are stronger than both of them combined. Like this guy.", Elfman said, pointing at himself.

"But calling Erza the strongest woman in the guild is a pretty safe bet.", Levy put in.

"I don't know about that, don't forget (y/n)", contradicted Gray.

"Actually, who of them is really the strongest? They never fought each other.", questioned Macao.

Now I spoke up: "Yeah and I don't plan to. I don't want the title anyway" I shuddered at the thought.

"But it would be interesting, seeing that you two have similar fighting styles.", said Levy.

"What do you mean by that?", asked Lucy.

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