Thunder Palace

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A/N: Hey guys,

I just wanted to apologize since I didn't update regularly for some time now. I hope I'll get back on track soon and until then I just want to let you know I'm sorry for it.

Also, I want to thank everyone who is liking and commenting on my story. I really appreciate it. It shows me that people like my writing, even with my irregular updating and it makes me happy.

With that, bye, bye ^^


3rd Reader's Pov

After Erza left the Guildhall, she encountered Evergreen and a fight between the two women broke out. Naturally, Erza won and the girls in the guild turned back to normal.

"My, what happened to us?", wondered Juvia as they all looked stunned.

"I can't remember.", mumbled Levy.

Meanwhile, Master and the boys ran up to them happily. "Ha!", Makarov exclaimed relieved and happy.

"They're all back to normal.", Natsu cheered.

"Lucy!", Happy flew to the blonde girl and hugged her crying. "Happy?", she looked down at him confusedly .

A new notification appeared and the Master read it out loud. "Erza vs. Evergreen. The Winner is Erza.", he began to grin. "Now Laxus, you're out of hostages, boy. Can't continue with your game, can you?!"

And then...

"He called it the battle of Fairy Tail?", Lucy asked shocked after they heard about what was happening from Master Makarov .

"Laxus outdid himself this time.", Cana commented.

"At any rate, it's over now. I played along with his foolish game because your lives were in danger. But I won't indulge him anymore. ", Master said to them.

"Master, we can't let him get away with hurting our friends.", Mira spoke to him.

"Yeah, she's right!", Bisca clenched her fist. "If we don't teach Laxus a lesson then he'll never learn!"

"He really crossed the line this time.", (y/n) agreed with a cold expression.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm going to give that boy a punishment that he'll never forget.", Makarov assured them. "He should know better. You can mess with me, but you can't mess with my guild!"

"Hey now, hold on a second.", Natsu spoke up. "I don't know about taking hostages, but I don't see any harm in finding out who's the strongest. I think we should keep the battle going."

The girls all looked at him deadpanned and Natsu continued. "In the end I bet he was just trying to have a little fun for the festival. Give him a break."

"Natsu!", (y/n) went to him and hit his head. "You can be really oblivious sometimes! Do you really think he just wants some fun?!"

"Ouch!", Natsu rubbed his head. "Of course! He's one of us after all. He wouldn't want to harm us on purpose!"

As the two Dragneel twins bickered, Makarov starred at Natsu worried. 'I don't know what I'm gonna do with you, Natsu.'

When (y/n) gave up with a sigh, Natsu turned to the girls with a chuckle and grinned at them. "So, in other words, what are we waiting for?! We have people here so let's start brawling! Come on! Round Two, right now!"

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now