Fairies in the Wind

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3rd Person POV

The town of Clover, where the Guildmaster League is holding their regular meeting...

"I'm jealous Maki, you're wizards are full of life and they're such cutie pies." Said Bob, the guild master of the Blue Pegasus guild. "I heard you got a girl who gave some big shot quite the spanking."

"Oh, you must be talking about Lucy. Yeah she is your newest recruit and she's got a body that won't quit." Was Makarovs answer to Bob's statement.

But Goldmine, the master of the Quatro Cerberus guild wasn't happy about Makarovs comment. "I wouldn't be joking around if I were you Makarov. Your wizards may be spirited, but even you must admit that they go overboard sometimes. There are people on the council who're worried Fairy Tail's gonna crush an entire city one of these days. Can't say that I blame them."

"Argh, let those blockheads worry, what do I care. They're just jealous my wizards are hot!"

"Oh Maki, you shouldn't talk about your little wizards that way, you're such a scoundrel." scolded Bob, when a messenger bird flew in with a message for Makarov.

"A letter from Ms. Mirajane."

"Thanks." With that Makarov opened the letter and a Hologram of Mira appeared and began to speak.

"Hi master, I'm glad you made it to the conference safe and sound."

Makarov couldn't hold back the need to show off. "See, this honey is our poster-girl Mirajane. Grab some eye-candy, boys!"

The guys wolf whistled and became quiet again, when Mira spoke.

"Oh, master, you're not gonna believe what happened. It may be the greatest thing in the history of Fairy Tail. Erza, (y/n), Natsu and Gray have all teamed up together. An amazing combination, huh?! In fact, I think they may have formed the strongest team Fairy Tail has ever seen. I'm sorry to bother you, but I just had to tell you the exciting news. See you soon master!"

During Miras message, Makarov had gotten paler with every word. "Not those four!"

"What's wrong Maki?" "I guess the council has a good reason to be worried, right?" Bob and Goldmine were watching Makarov with worry.

Makarov fell and stared at the ceiling with worry. 'I can't believe this is happening. Those four really could destroy an entire city. The conference ends today, and I'm returning tomorrow, so please let nothing happen until then, oh please let nothing happen!'

(y/n)'s POV

Kunugi station.

We were still on the magic mobil and overheard that the dark guild Eisenwald has claimed the train.

"I could understand getting on a cart or a boat, but a train?" "What's the benefit of escaping on a train that can only run on rails?" Lucy and Happy said, contemplating why they would high check a train.

"Yes that's true, but It's fast.", concluded Erza.

Meanwhile Gray, Natsu and I were sitting in the mobile. Natsu and I still sick.

"Then I guess it's up to us to figure out where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why." Said Gray and Lucy yelled at him, because he had stripped again. My head is aching so much, that I didn't even notice.

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