Flame and Wind

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Short A/N:

Hey guys,

First I'm sorry that it took me a little bit longer to update. Second I apologize, because I may not be able to update much before the end of July. To be short, I have much work to do for University and then I have the exams. So I won't have much time for writing, but I promise I will write a lot in the holidays.

I hope you understand and I wish you much fun reading the new chapter...


3rd Person POV

Oshibana station...

Erza was in the train station hall, questioning the bound men of Eisenwald how to break the spell of the wind barrier, which was locking them up here.

"Erza!" Gray was entering the hall and made Erza aware that he was here.

"Gray? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Natsu?"

"We decided to split up. Never mind that now! Listen, I just found out that Eisenwalds real target is Clover."


"Erigor is heading to the conference as we speak. He is planning to use lullaby to kill the guild masters!"

A dark aura now surrounded Erza and with anger she turned back to the Eisenwald man she questioned before.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

The man shivered in fear, but didn't answer. Erza ignored him and spoke again with Gray.

"There is a problem. The station is surrounded by a wind barrier."

"Yeah I know. I saw it earlier. You'll be mincemeat if you try and force yourself out." Gray answered.

"I've already tried that." At Erzas statement, Gray noticed her injured arm. "Wow, is your arm ok?"

"That's not important. What is, is getting out of here! We must stop Erigor, before he reaches the guild masters conference.", Erza said while holding her injured arm and continued: "... Wait a minute. I remember them talking about somebody named Kage back at the pub. We have to find that men, Gray! He was the one braking lullaby's seal!"

Gray realized what Erza meant. "A dispeller, huh? A seal breaking wizard, he can take down the wind barrier!"

"That's what I'm hoping for. Now let's go!" With Erza's orders, they ran out into the hall to find the men with the name Kage.

Unknown to them, the green haired guy, who fled the fight before and was now the target of Lucy, Happy and (y/n), was the whole time there. Hiding himself in a wall.

The men, who got questioned by Erza noticed his presence and called him: "Karacka, how long are you going to hide yourself there?"

A magic circle appeared on the wall and head with green hair went through it, looking at his comrade. "S-Sorry, but I was scared."

"Find Kage before they do. Go now!"

"Please, not me! I'm useless as backup in a fight." The green haired male stuttered, not happy about the order.

"No, I have a much simpler task for you..."

(y/n)'s POV

"That's useless. I can't find him anywhere." Lucy was annoyed at the task Erza gave us and Happy and me weren't that happy about it either, to be honest.

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