Eternal Magic

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3rd Readers Pov

"The truth is, Ur is still alive."

At Gray's words the others became surprised, with the exception of (y/n), who knew as well.

"What do you mean?", questioned Erza and the two ice wizards began to explain. "It's been ten years..."


Deliora attacked Gray's hometown. Everywhere was destruction. Ash and smoke was rising into the air. It was dark and only an orange light shone from the fire. The ground shook from Deliora's roaring. The whole town was wiped out in less than a day.

On the next morning Ur entered the destroyed town, her two students by her side. She decided to look for survivors who needed help, but they only saw rubbles and death lingering around.

"I've heard of Deliora's destructive power, but I never expected this.", Ur said silently and looked at the town.

"Ur, Lyon, there is someone alive!", Ur turned to the voice of her most recent student. The little girl sniffed out the dark haired boy who was buried half under the rubble of a building.

"Are you alright?", the girl shook him a little and he slowly opened his eyes. The boy's sight was blurred, but when it got clearer he looked into big worried (e/c) eyes.


The trio pulled the little boy out of the rubble and took care of his wounds. Later on, they helped him to build graves for his people and family.

The sun had already set when they finished. The boy stood in front of the grave of his parents. The little girl went next to him, holding out some flowers to him. "It took me a while to sniff them out, but here, you might want to give them to your family."

The boy hesitated before he accepted the white flowers and laid them in front of the grave. "Deliora, you're gonna pay for this." Tears were falling down his face. "I'll stop you. I swear it."

Ur looked at the boy with worry, seeing the darkness that was building up in him. The young girl just saw a boy who was lost, just like her. Without thinking she hugged him, which surprised him but soon he hugged her back.

A small smile was seen on Ur's face. Thinking that with the girl's positive attitude, she may be able to help him recover.


Ur asked the boy if he wanted to join her and her students, to learn ice magic too. The boy accepted, he wanted to learn it so he could kill the demon who destroyed everything he cared about.

Ur and her two students lead him to Ur's home and made dinner. The boy didn't join them, but rather sat outside, looking at the stars. It didn't take long until the little girl came out, a bowl with soup in her hands.

"You should eat. Tomorrow your training will start and then you surely need the energy.", she held the bowl out to the boy and he took it.

He didn't say anything, so she didn't say anything too and sat beside him. He slowly began to eat, not really feeling up to it, but he knew that she was right. He needed the energy to grow stronger.

"You know, you aren't alone. It may need some time, but you will realize it.", she said to him and he looked at her confused and so she began to explain.

"You feel alone, I see that in your eyes. I felt like that too, when I woke up and couldn't find my mother or brother anywhere. But then I met Ur and Lyon. They took me in and it took some time but I don't feel so alone anymore. And I believe after a while, you won't feel alone anymore too."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now