Moon Drip

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(y/n)'s POV

I was still confused and scared and so was Gray. He was mad and clearly pained and I really was worried about him. It was hard for me to gather my thoughts about the situation, but I need to be there for Gray above everything else right now.

"You sure this is the demon your master sealed away?", asked Natsu.

"There is no doubt about it.", Gray answered and I agreed. "That's definitely Deliora."

"I wonder why it was transported all the way from the Northern Continent to Galuna Island?", Happy wondered.

"You don't think the demon could have something to do with the islands course, do you?", Lucy thought aloud.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it did.", spoke Gray. "It may be sealed in ice, but that thing is still alive."

"Sweet! Give me a go at it. I'm not afraid of this stupid demon!"

"You know brute force isn't the only way to solve a problem.", Lucy tried to reason with Natsu.

"A little fire will do the trick!"

'Oh no.'

Gray was furious by Natsu's words and hit him hard in the face.

"Gray punched Natsu!", Happy was shocked.

"This wouldn't be the first time he has done that.", Lucy said back.

"What's the deal?! Why did you hit me, Gray?!", Natsu stopped his ranting when he noticed Gray's look.

"I don't want you, or your flames anywhere near it!"

"Gray, please clam down.", I put my hand on Gray's shoulder and then turned to my brother. "Natsu, if that ice melts not only will our master's legacy be gone, but Deliora will be revived and there is no way we will be able to defeat it."

"Come on.", Natsu stood back up. "Do you two really think a huge chunk of ice would be that easy to melt?"

By his words we both looked at each other, knowing the truth behind that ice. "No."

"Hey are you two ok?", Lucy asked us worriedly.

"I'm the one who got hit for no good reason.", exclaimed Natsu angered. "Watch your temper man!"

"Please, you're the one to talk.", said Happy to him.

After that, Gray began to explain. "Many years ago, our master UR, cast a spell called Iced Shell on this demon, enclosing it in a form of ice that can't be melted. It so strong, that even the most powerful flame spells have no effect on it."

As he spoke I wondered something. "But when they knew it can't be melted, why did they bring Deliora here in the first place?"

"Maybe they didn't know.", suggested Lucy.

"Maybe, or there is a bigger picture and they want to melt it here in some way.", I thought aloud.

"But why would they do that!?", Gray got angry again.

"I don't know Gray, but we are here to find that out. I promise you, we won't let them have their way.", I took his hand in mine and he calmed down again.

"We need answers." Natsu decided. "Let's go find these guys."

"Yeah ok.", Lucy agreed.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now