Fairy Law

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(y/n)'s Pov

Jose and I were facing each other. He gave me an evil grin as I had a stern expression. Both of us were waiting for the other to make the first move.

Since he first showed up I tried to attack him again and again, but he was too fast and too strong. Now I was out of breath. Still, I won't give up.

Suddenly the room began to shake and parts of the ceiling fell down. Jose chuckled. "My, what an unruly brother you have."

"He may be unruly, but he is an immensely powerful wizard. To be honest, he is even stronger than me.", I said back.

"There is no need to be so modest, Ice Queen. Your magic is just as spectacular as Salamander's or Titania's. You are the first wizard who has ever been able to last that long against me in battle. Truth be told, it would be more troublesome for me if you hadn't already wasted so much magic energy on Juvia and Aria."

I gritted my teeth at his words, but didn't comment on them. Jose continued the little speech he was holding.

"You know what really annoys about Fairy Tail? The fact that there are so many powerful wizards, like yourself, who allied with Makarov."

He held up his hand and flicked his fingers. An immense force came from it and pushed me back into the wall. Slowly I fell to the ground and my whole body ached.

"Since you can't be tempted to join Phantom, there is only one way to change that." he said and I looked up to see that his fingers were emitting a purple glow.

He shot blasts from each finger. I got up as quickly as I could and dodged by jumping in the air. "Kill you!", he used the opportunity to shoot another powerful blast at me.

"Ice Make Shield!", the shield I created weakened the attack a little, but I was still pushed back. As soon as I landed I needed to get up again and dodge one attack after another.

"That will send Makarov in deep despair. Imagine how he will feel when he awakens to find his dear guildhall destroyed and his children dead and gone. He'll be lost, completely consumed by sorrow."

I began to tremble in anger as I growled at his words.

"Once he's been reduced to this miserable state I will swoop in and kill him. But first I will make him suffer. I will torture him until he has no choice to wither and die."

Furious, I ran at him. "Ice Make Naginata.", the spear like weapon was created in my hands and I wanted to attack him, but he disappeared and reappeared behind me, ranting on and on.

"As long as I remember, Phantom Lord has always been on the top. We had the most powerful wizards and the strongest spells. We also had more capital and more members than any other guild. However, recently Fairy Tail has begun to catch up and our position as leader is threatened. The names Erza, Laxus and Mystogan became widely known. And stories of the Ice Queen and Salamander spread across the land like a wildfire. Now Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail are considered equals, the top two guilds representing this kingdom."

He gave a sarcastic laugh. "The thought of it disgusts me. I refuse to be acquainted as a feeble guild! "

Now I really was at my limit. "Shut your mouth!", I yelled and attacked him with the Naginata. He just jumped away.

"So all this only because you are jealous?!", I questioned him, furious.

"Jealousy?", he laughed. "That's absurd. We simply want to prove to the kingdom that we are the dominant guild."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now