Wings of Flame and Ice

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(y/n)'s Pov

"See, look at it now.", Elfman said after we watched the giant drawing the circle.

"Yeah, it's definitely drawing the magic circle slower than before.", agreed Gray and I nodded.

"So we were right.", concluded Mira.

"Fire, Water, Air and Earth.", Gray counted the four elements.

"Just like we were saying, the giant and the spell get their power from the Elements.", spoke Elfman.

"That's the true combined Power of the Element Four. Three have been defeated. Totomaru of the great flame was taken out with Jupiter. Elfman totally defeated Sol of the earth. And Juvia of the great sea was taken out of the actuation by Gray and (y/n).", Mira told us.

"So, the last one is air.", I concluded. I really didn't have a good feeling about this.

"If we stop him we stop the giant from casting the spell.", explained Mira.

"Do you have any idea who the last of them is?", Gray asked.

"Aria of the great sky and he will be the toughest to beat.", she answered. "He is the strongest member of the Element Four. He is also the one who drained the master of his magical energy, leaving him powerless."

I knew it. My bad feeling was right. Without a second thought I began to run into the building. "(y/n)!", Mira yelled after me.

"Were are you going?!", questioned Gray.

"I need to find Natsu!", I shouted back and left them behind.

Using my nose I followed Natsu's sent. I heard his cries already from far away. "Natsu!" As fast I could, I ran to him.

I saw how the guy which was for sure Aria used a magic spell on him, draining Natsu's magic. "Get away from my brother!", I yelled as I kicked Aria away from him. Aria disappeared in thin air.

"(y/n)!", Happy shouted in relief.

"You're here, how did you know I was in danger?", Natsu asked me, stunned.

"I think it was some siblings instincts.", I answered.

I glared at the space next to them and the two shivered at the cold aura I was giving off. I could sense Aria's magical power. So he was still here.

"So, you are the one who harmed our Master.", I said as he appeared again.

"(y/n) Dragneel. How unfortunate. Seems the Ice Queen will lose her head alongside her brother Salamander.", Aria grinned at me.

"You hurt gramps and I'm here to take revenge for that.", my voice was cold.

"You can't.", gasped Natsu, trying to talk me out of it.

Aria chuckled. "Well, now that I'm finally faced with a worthy opponent I guess it's time I take my battles more seriously." He pulled the bandage from his eyes. Violet pupils with a white x in the center stared at me.


3rd Reader's Pov

Mira, Elfman and Gray went after (y/n), but they lost sight and since they didn't have any dragon senses they had no lead at all.

Now they were running through the halls in search for her, Natsu or Aria. But they had the feeling that they will be at the same place.

"His eyes.", repeated Gray, after Mira told them to be careful about them.

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