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(y/n)'s Pov

After we heard Delioras roar, we ran down to the cavern were it was held. As we entered there was a gigantic roar and wind pushed us back a little. When the sight was cleared we were met with a fully freed Deliora. Both our eyes widened and we gasped from the sight.

I watched how Gray kneeled to the water, which was the former ice holding the demon. Ur. He put his hand into the water, letting it drop from his fingers. "Thank you", he whispered to it and I put my hands on his shoulder looking sad at the water.

"Hey.", we both looked up to see Natsu approaching us. "What are you two doing here?"

"Natsu.", Gray spoke and Natsu continued talking, confidence was in his voice. "There is only one thing we can do now, we going to take that thing down."

"Neither one of you... are strong enough.", we heard someone panting and turned to see Lyon crawling to the beast. It was a wonder that he was even able to come this far with his injuries.

"But I am... I will defeat it.", I looked sad at his state, he wasn't in the form to defeat it. "I'm going to... surpass Ur. Finally.", he laughed but it was more a rattle.

"You can't fight.", Natsu putted in. "You can't even get off the floor."

Deliora gave another roar and Lyon ignored Natsus commend. "I waited so long... for this moment... She was strong but still... not strong enough to defeat that demon."

He stood back up, but still was wobbly on his knees. "I'm doing the one thing that Ur never could! Finally...my dream... will be fulfilled!"

Before Lyon could do something stupid, Gray hit him to the ground. "You have cost enough trouble."

He walked passed Lyon. "I'll clean up the mess you've made."

"Gray?", I looked at him worriedly, while he went near Deliora. He stretched his arms and got into the pose for the Iced Shell. I watched him with wide eyes. 'Not again.'

"I'll seal the demon myself! ICED SHELL!", he activated the spell and blue light was emitting from him.

"Don't do it Gray!", I yelled to him and Lyon shouted at him too. "Have you any idea how long it took me to melt that ice. Sealing it isn't going to stop me. I will not rest until I finally defeat Deliorea!"

While he talked I began to move towards Gray, who yelled back at Lyon. "I can't worry about the future. I have to do this to keep it from killing us right now!"

I had enough and so did Natsu and we both went towards him, standing in the way of his magic. "Natsu, (y/n)?!"

"Why don't you let us handle this together?", Natsu asked him while starring at the demon.

"Don't be stupid! Just get out of my way!"

I turned to him. "Stupid? You are the one who is stupid right now and you promised me to not do something stupid like that again!", I glared at him.

"(y/n)...", he looked at me with sad eyes. "This is something I need to do."

"I didn't let you do it before, why should I let you do it now? I already told you I won't let you hurt my sister like that!", he shouted back to Gray. "I won't let you go out like that!"

Gray turned his eyes back to Natsu. His eyes widened by his words. "Go ahead and cast the spell, but we're not moving."

The demon roared again, bursting our ears, but we didn't move an inch. Not even when Deliora took his fist back to punch us.

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now