Allied Forces, Assemble!

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A/N: Hey guys,

I have something to say about this Fanfiction. Don't worry. It's definitely not that I won't continue it. It's more about the content of this story. Since I thought very long if I should put the 'Watch out for the guy you like' Episode into this Fanfiction and since I have that problem with many other Filler Episodes, I found a conclusion.

I already said that I don't write most of the Filler Episodes, unless I can use Easter Eggs for the course of the story or somehow put a Gray x Reader moment in them. But at the same time I just love those Episodes too much to not at least write them later on. This is why I will make an extra book in the future for all those Fillers, OVA's and Movies. I will also put Specials, like the Halloween one I wrote, into this book in future. So you and I still can enjoy them.

About this Extra Book, I'll definitely write it in an A/N when I start it, but I don't know when I'll get the time to do it and also I only write on this book when I want to and have the time, so the updates will be irregular, more so than with this book. So be warned.

With that, have fun reading the next chapter.

And bye, bye ^^


3rd Readers Pov.

Hargeon has many fine restaurants, but there is something magical about this newest addition, '8-Island'...

"Welcome, I'll be so happy to take your order.", Lucy smiled at the two costumers, wearing the orange waitress costume of the restaurant.

She wrote their orders down. "Coming right up."

As she walked to tell the chef their order, another guest caught her attention. "Can I get some service too, Miss?"

"Yes, sir.", she came back to him with a bright smile before she halted with a shocked expression. "Wait! What am I doing?!"


"Yeah, what?!", Lucy looked pissed at Natsu, who was in a waiter uniform.

"You're working a job for crying out loud.", he reminded her.

"Since when does waiting tables qualify as legitimate Wizard Work?", Lucy said back and pointed down at her uniform. "And why do I have to wear this horrible outfit?"

"Not my idea.", Natsu commented, not really interested.

"I mean I know I can rock this uniform, but still..." Lucy got in a pose.


"The chef here in 8-Island uses magic to cook all those tasty dishes.", Happy walked now to them with a waiter uniform too and a plate on his paw. "So he thought it would be kinda cool if the staff are magic users as well."

"Geeze Lucy.", Natsu said with a stuffed mouth. "We took the job because of you, remember?"

Instead of an answer Natsu got a plate shot into his face. "Stop eating the costumer's food!", Lucy told him.

"But throwing trays is okay?", Happy wondered, sweating.

"Lighten up.", Gray stepped up to them now with a tray in hand. "The uniforms aren't all that bad."

Ice Dragon Roar! - Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now