Date night

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Request:Prinxiety fluff
T.W: None
Ship: Prinxiety duh
Third person's POV:
Roman was gathering every possible blanket and pillow he owned, making sure his bed was the fluffiest thing on the earth forthe sake of his boyfriend. Every time Virgil would spend the night in his room he made sure he had the softest things to lay on and the warmest things in order for him to sleep comfortably.
Virgil liked soft things, his hoodie and comforter were prime examples of that. Not to mention the millions of pillows stacked on his bed that he refuses to sleep without. Every time he is out of his room he has his hoodie, or if it's really cold he'll drag around his comforter.
Tonight, was date night. A night where Roman and Virgil would cuddle up on Roman's bed, eat junk food and watch movies until the early hours of the morning. They did this every Friday night and have been doing it since they started dating.
At first, the date nights they had were the 'dress up and go out' type nights. They still had a few of those every now and again. Now, they were 'wear pajamas and stay in' nights that both of them loved.
Having finished arranging the blankets and pillows, Roman set to picking out the movies they'll be watching. Virgil is in charge of the snacks this week and Roman is prepared for the sheer amount of calories that they'll both be digesting.
I smile gathering all the snacks into my arms, trying to balance those along with my blanket, and start down the hall to Roman's room for date night.
Tapping his door with my foot I wait for him to open it. Once he does he gives me a smile and a kiss on the cheek before taking the snacks from me, setting them down on his nightstand.
I flop down on his bed wrapped up in my blanket and smile liking how soft he made it. "I have the whole Disney line set up from Snow White all the way to Moana," he says while laying down next to me pulling me close to him. I nuzzle my face into his neck and hum in acknowledgement,"Can't wait."
We stay like that for a bit, just cuddled together, before I lean up and place a kiss on his jaw, that being the only thing I could reach. He smiles and tilts his head down, placing his lips on mine in a soft and slow kiss. After pulling away he rest his forehead on mine,"Nap first then movies?"
I smile at how well my boyfriend knows me and nod. With some shifting to get Roman under the blanket and for me to cuddle back into him, we lay there comfortably together. "I love you Princey," I say as I'm drifting off already. I hear an 'I love you too Virge' as I let sleep take over me.
.          . 
Hope you liked it💙

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