Bartender pt.3

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Ship: Prinxiety
Well this is awkward.
This being my beautiful bean pole of a boyfriend. I feel kinda bad for dragging him out with new people fully knowing how anxious that makes him. Logan and Patton seem to like him well enough but they don't seem to be including him as much.
"You okay Ro? You've been staring at the wall for a while."
"Hm? Oh yes darling! Perfectly fine!"
All that response gets me is a raised eyebrow and an arm tightening its hold on me. I'm practically in Virgil's lap but I don't really care he's comfy.
"Have you eaten today Hot Topic?"
This topic apparently catches the attention of Patton and Logan.
Virgil looks any where but me and mumbles out an answer that is probably a no.
"Virgil Antoni! What have I told you about skipping meals?"
"I work late Ro, sometimes I forget..imsorry."
I sigh and pick up menu, scanning the items for something Virgil will eat. "Do you two want anything to eat?"
Logan answers, "It's far too late for us to be eating. It's unhealthy."
I shoot him a glare as I feel Virgil tense up and gently take the menu from my hands.
"I'm okay babe, I promise."
"Virgil, you have to eat something before you sleep and go back to work."
"I'll grab something from the bar if I get too hungry, he's right it's almost 1am."
"I don't care, you need to eat."
He sighs but drapes an arm around my shoulders to look at the menu I snatched back. Logan at least looks a bit guilty for putting his two sense in and offers to pay for the meal, Virgil declines my tall bean.
I ordered us both something since he would feel weird being the only one eating, even Patton orders a milkshake. They focus in on Virgil now, asking him questions about every.little.thing.
"Virgil, what is your typical work schedule like?" God Logan you are boring.
"Oh uh I usually go in at 5pm and clock out at around 1 or 2am. If Roman comes over I try to clock out earlier so we can grab something to eat, if he doesn't sleep at my place I drive him home and sleep until my shift."
I blush when they look at me after he said I occasionally sleep at his place. It doesn't help that his arm is still around me and I'm practically in his lap.
Once we're done eating and outside I tell Virgil that I'll be going home with Logan and Pat. He nods, zips up his jacket that I didn't even realize was on me, and kisses me before telling them goodbye. Another kiss and he is heading back to his car, leaving me with a red face and two questioning friends.
"You really love him don't you Ro?"
I can hear that cheshire cat grin on Patton's face. Without even hesitating I turn to face him.
"I really do. I love him."
I grin and snuggle into his jacket, thinking about how I'm going to tell my emo nightmare just how much I love him.
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Hope you enjoyed!💙
I'm not too sure I like this one so it may get rewritten in the future.

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