Meme Queen

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T.W: Cussing and yelling
Ship: None
Note:This is before Accepting Anxiety
Not many people realize it but I actually love memes. From rememberable vines to anything shrek related, I know it like the back of my hand. I do spend most of my time on Tumblr so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise.
I constantly quotes all sorts of vines, songs and everything pertaining to anything meme worthy. Roman even started calling me 'Meme Queen'.
Anxiety actually liked that name so jokes on Roman.
Right now, he really was living up to his new nickname. They were trying to film a video and he kept making references, giggling or forgetting his lines. Patton was glad that Anxiety was feeling happy for once, Thomas was laughing along with him and enjoying him happy, however the other two were starting to get frustrated with him.
Patton and Thomas weren't helping the situation by feeding into him, finishing off his quotes or just laughing with Anxiety. It was making the other two furious as they wanted to get things done and be productive.
"Anxiety, I sure love chicken strips."
With a giggle Anxiety was quick to reply, "Fuck ya chicken strips!"
That's it. Roman couldn't take it anymore! Something had to be done in order to get this video done.
"Anxiety!! Will you please stop messing around already? This entire time you've been fooling around, making weird references and just overall being unhelpful! But why am I surprised you're anxiety!!"
"Oh so just because I'm anxiety I don't get to have fun!? Sorry for actually wanting to feel good for once!"
"You don't deserve to feel good!! Villains don't get to be happy!  You're-You're just a disorder!! You're getting in the way just like you always do!!"
"Roman Creativity Sanders!!" Everyone visibly winced at the tone and volume Patton used to talk to Roman.
"You apologize righ-"
"No Dad. He's right...." Anxiety sank down leaving the others in the real world with Thomas.
"Roman Creativity I am disappointed in you! How could you say something like that to him? He's allowed to be happy just like we are and it hurts to think that that was the happiest I've seen him in years. You should be ashamed of yourself."Patton sunk down to try and find Anxiety before he did something stupid. Roman stayed in his spot while Logan talked to Thomas about the situation.
Roman felt a huge wave of guilt wash over him, realizing too late that this was the first time he had seen Anxiety laughing and joking around. It was the first time in a long time that Roman has seen him smile a real smile. Not a smirk but a smile, and he took that away from him.
He was too busy in his own world to notice that Thomas seemed much calmer than before. He had this goofy smile on his face as he talked to Logan. All the while Patton couldn't find where Anxiety had run off to.
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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