Father of feelings

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(Part two of He's My Dad)
T.W: Mentions of Deceit(sorry for making him the bad guy), the taking of a child.

Ship:Platonic Moxiety, romantic Analogical and Royality
I move off my bed and open my door to see a very nervous Logan.
"Yes Logan? Something wrong?"
He just nods but says nothing. I let him inside my room and sit on the bed patting the spot next to me so he can do the same.
"What seems to be on your mind Kiddo?"

I-I um well you-you see, Patton, um ahem, uhh."
"Lo, kiddo, breathe."
He nods and composes himself. I rub his back with a concern look on my face, seeing Logan so unnaturally nervous and flustered was unnerving. Taking a deep breath, he looks me in the eyes before speaking.
"I'd like to know how you came to be Virgil's father first and foremost. I also have another matter but it requires Roman's presence as well."
"Oh. Well sure!! It is actually a pretty weird story but if you really want to hear it then I'm all for it."
Logan nods and we get more comfortable before I start telling the story.
"Thomas was about 13 at the time if I remember correctly. We had just started high school and boy was I feeling a lot. Especially about boys! We were all trying to figure ourselves out, you were stressing over all the work but so excited to learn. Roman, god Roman, he wanted to do literally everything. All the plays, all the sports, everything. I, on the other hand, was just feeling so much! I was confused because we didn't like girls like our friends, worried we'd lose them, scared we'd get bullied, nervous to embrace these feelings.
"You were anxious."
I giggle a bit and nod, "Yes I was anxious. Don't interrupt young man."
"Anywho, I had felt anxious before but never at this magnitude. I dealt with it alone at the time, I wanted to be a strong older side to you guys so I went to calm down in the imagination. Roman didn't have full control of it yet so when I was in there for a while it started to reflect me. There was this weird storm in the distance so I went to check it out. There was this little shack type thing being rained on, I was about to turn back but I heard someone crying! I made my way into the house and there he was!"
"Yes! My cute little kiddo!"
"Turns out, poor thing was scared of the thunder. He couldn't have been more than 8 at the time, maybe 7, and was just so scared I had to help him. Virge wasn't too trilled to have some strange person approaching him so it took some convincing. Eventually, I got him to calm down and finally realized that I wasn't feeling the same as I was when I entered. I looked down at the little anxious baby and just...knew. After a while, I thought it was time to introduce him to everyone else! Virgil was already calling me Dad and you two were adjusting just wonderfully! But...there were some problems.
"I remember that. You had been distant and we were worried. Later we found out it was because of Virgil, that doesn't mean we were...nice."
I just sigh with a small smile, "It's okay kiddo, you two were just as young as I was. Heck, I was a dad at 13 and pretty scared myself."
Logan looks pretty guilty and I can already feel my throat tightening up. I clear my throat and continue.
"Virgil was just...so scared of you two. I mean it took him forever to warm up to me and I approached him differently than you two did. I was so scared he couldn't handle it and that he wouldn't be happy so when D-De-*ahem* offered to give him a better life, I couldn't-I couldn't say no! I was still naive and believed everything he said so I-I let him take him!!"
I pause to wipe my eyes and I feel Logan squeeze my shoulder in a comforting way. I send him a watery smile that didn't last very long and continue until the end.
"I just let him take my baby Logan. I-I felt so bad! Virgil looked confused but HE just-just lied and said it was for the best! I was hoping to give him a better life but I just ended up making it worse for him. When he got his own room over here with us I was trilled! I cried and cried and he was crying and we were both just absolute messes, but we worked it all out. Even before he shared his name with us we had made amends.
I wipe my eyes again and turn to Logan who seems to be doing the same. "Patton, I'm sorry for being a part of the cause of..all that. I never knew how much you or Virgil were going through and I'm doing my best to understand now."
"Well kiddo that's all we can ask for. We've made amends as a famILY and that's all that matters."
Logan pulls me into a hug, like an actual big hug. I hug back before we separate. "Thank you for sharing with my Patton. I-I feel much better about discussing my next topic with you and Roman."
"What might that topic be Lo?"
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
Wow this was hella long but hope you enjoyed!

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